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burial of (Plaza Michael, St. Mary of Czestochowa Cemetery, South Fork)

type of eventburial
site of cemeterySouth Fork, USA‑WI
St. Mary of Czestochowa Cemetery
Mike Plaza’s Grave
South Fork
St. Mary of Czestochowa Cemetery
America, North America, United States of America, Wisconsin, Rusk County, South Fork
buriedMichael Plaza [parents: Jędrzej, Marianna]
(see also death)


  • {#1} E-mail (MR03017) 10 DEC 2006 Peter Blaskowski
    Frank Blaszkowski […] The neighbor's name is misspelled in the plat book. It was actually John Plaza, not Jno Blaza. John had two sons that I know of, Mike and Ed.
    John's brother, Mike (who was married to Henrietta), owned the land on the bend of the creek, just downstream from John. That land was sold to the local Catholic Church (St. Mary of Chestohova) and there was a big beautiful white church there for many years. It is now gone, but the cemetery remains. I imagine John and Mike Plaza are both buried there […]. Ed took over the farm when John passed away. Ed was married to Margie, and had no children. […]
    John's other son, Mike, married Viola Sobieski, who recently died at age 94. Mike and Viola […] […]PRIV. Carl and his wife Alice had 3 children […]PRIV.

    Before he passed away, Carl Plaza wrote and published a little book about the history of South Fork. […]

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Identifier: MR02460-F
Last changes: 16 DEC 2020
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