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Family History of Michael Plaza and Henrietta Zulkowski Plaza
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Caroline Kasamira Plaza née Pietrsiak
birth 1902 AUG 24 Wilkes-Barre of Frances Plaza
birth 1904 MAY 20 Rockvale of John Plaza
birth 1906 APR 26 Rockvale of Anthony Plaza
birth 1927 AUG 9 of Angeline Plaza
death 1983 OCT Catawba of Katherine Runnheim
death 1990 OCT 11 Hawkins of Frances Uhren [parents: Michael, Henrietta]
birth 1910 JAN 14 of Agnes Niewazny
birth 1908 APR 13 Colorado of Peter Plaza
birth 1910 FEB 28 Rockvale of Ann Plaza
death 1966 JUN 1 Red Wing of Ann Hanvelt
birth 1902 JAN 31 of Edward Hanvelt
birth 1912 DEC 27 Rockvale of Frank Plaza
death 1985 AUG 31 Red Wing of Frank Plaza [parents: Michael, Henrietta]
birth 1915 NOV 13 Scranton of Edward Sobieski
birth 1915 NOV 5 Rockvale of Mary Plaza
birth 1918 APR 29 Colorado of Katherine Plaza
marriage ˂ 1926 of (husband: Stanley Fox, wife: Frances Plaza)
marriage 1937 JUL 15 of (husband: Steve Uhren, wife: Frances Plaza)
marriage 1930 APR of (husband: Peter Plaza, wife: Mary Pipala)
marriage 1933 JUN 17 of (husband: Anthony Plaza, wife: Agnes Niewazny)
birth 1910 OCT 5 Colorado of Mary Pipala
marriage 1929 OCT 23 Wausau of (husband: Edward Hanvelt, wife: Ann Plaza)
marriage JUN 4 Hawkins of (husband: Frank Plaza, wife: Irma Polgar)
marriage 1939 JUN 10 Hawkins of (husband: Edward Sobieski, wife: Mary Plaza)
birth 1923 MAY 10 Hawkins of Geneva Plaza
marriage 1946 JUN 1 of (husband: Joseph Cerjak, wife: Geneva Plaza)
marriage 1954 OCT 30 Cook County of (husband: John Kurpiel, wife: Angeline Plaza)
birth 1907 JAN 1 of Steve Uhren
birth 1912 SEP 5 South Bend of Irma Polgar
birth 1902 NOV 10 Lubotyń of Caroline Pietrsiak
marriage 1926 JUN 26 Chicago of (husband: John Plaza, wife: Caroline Pietrsiak)
death 1964 DEC 5 Goodhue County of Edward Hanvelt
rectification 2009 APR 26 of Family History of Michael Plaza and Henrietta Zulkowski Plaza
birth 1925 MAR 19 of Joseph Cerjak
death 1965 MAR 1 of Joseph Cerjak
birth 1927 JUN 10 Chicago of John Kurpiel
List of events (1)
2009 APR 26 — rectification of Family History of Michael Plaza and Henrietta Zulkowski Plaza
Links to the record
death 1985 AUG 31 Red Wing of Frank Plaza [parents: Michael, Henrietta]
rectification 2009 APR 26 of Family History of Michael Plaza and Henrietta Zulkowski Plaza
Last changes: 26 APR 2009
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