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birth of Bernice Plaza

type of eventbirth
the datein July 1921
100 years ago (as of 18 JUL 2021)
siteKronenwetter, USA‑WI
America, North America, United States of America, Wisconsin, Marathon County, Kronenwetter
childBernice Plaza
(see also death)
fatherJoseph Walter Plaza [parents: Jędrzej, Marianna]
(47 years and 7 months; see also marriage – 22 years and 5 months before)
motherCatherine Rambiscz by marriage Plaza [parents: Andrzej, Regina]
(46 years and 4 months)
doubts or discrepanciesKronenwetter or Mosinee?
Mosinee? (MR03130-H)
Kronenwetter? (MR03130-M)



Identifier: MR03228-B
Last changes: 30 AUG 2009
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