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rectification of marriage 1950 of (husband: Alex Ziolkowski, wife: Barbara Bell)

type of eventrectification
the date on Saturday, the 4th of April 2009
14 years, 8 months and 28 days ago (as of 1 JAN 2024)
to whom or to what is related to

errors Mae Ziolkowski had got brother Alex Ziolkowski and four children: Alex (MR03395 — wife Barbara Ann Ziolkowski née Bell), {private}, {private} and {private}
correction These were not children of Mae, but of Alex and his wife Barbara Ann Ziolkowski née Bell. There was no Alex MR03395 son of Mae.
occurance everywhere since Joseph Ziolkowski Family
circumstances statement 2009 JAN 1 of {private}


Identifier: MR03395
Last changes: 16 JUL 2014
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