type of event | christening |
the date | on Saturday, the 21st of April 1838 on 10 AM 185 years, 8 months and 11 days ago (as of 1 JAN 2024) |
site | Kadłub, now POL‑LD kościół św. Andrzeja ap. w Kadłubie Europe, Poland, województwo łódzkie, powiat wieluński, gmina Wieluń, Kadłub |
obtainer of christening | Katarzyna Chałupczyńska née Białek [parents: Łukasz, Józefa]
(1 day; see also birth) |
appearer while registration (2nd) | Mikołaj Ciupa |
godparents | Franciszek Białek, Apolonia Ciupina |
appearer while registration | Franciszek Matusiak |