type of event | marriage |
the date | in April 1945 76 years and 3 months ago (as of 18 JUL 2021) |
site | Kłobuck, POL‑SL Europe, Poland, województwo śląskie, powiat kłobucki, gmina Kłobuck, Kłobuck |
husband: | Józef Kowalczyk Jr [parents: Józef, Julianna] (1918 Strojec – 2001 Kłobuck)
(27 years and 1 month) |
wife: | Anna Malina by marriage Kowalczyk [husband: Józef] (1916 – 2007)
(28 years and 9 months) |
children of marriage (3) | daughter: daughter: ►►► daughter: ►►► |