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Julia Zulkowski’s Obituary

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Julia ‘Tullie’ Zulkowski lifelong resident of Fremont County, died quietly and peacefully April 10, 2010.
She was born in Brewster on Dec. 4, 1921, where her family owned and worked a farm for many years. She lived in Florence until 2005 and moved to Cañon City at that time.
Julie was an active member of the Florence Eagles Auxiliary for more than 60 years. She was one of only two surviving charter members of the auxiliary.
Julie was actively involved in the lives of her daughter, granddaughters, and great-grandchildren. She rarely missed any event involving her great-grandson, Jordan.
Julie is survived by […]PRIV; numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Anton; three brothers; and five sisters.
Memorial services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at the Wilson Funeral Home Chapel in Cañon City.
Arrangements handled through Wilson Funeral Home, Cañon City.
bibliographic description Cañon City Daily Record, April 2010


  • {#1} Z nekrologu wynika, że przez ponad 60 lat ciocia służyła w Florence Eagles Auxiliary, czyli jak mniemam The Florence No. 169 Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary, czyli (jak znów mniemam) w żeńskim wspierającym korpusie (auxiliary) amerykańskiego towarzystwa opartego na braterstwie i wysokiej moralności członków, którzy pomagają innym, prowadzą działalność charytatywną i organizują kulturalne zajęcia dla swoich członków.
Identifier: MR08092
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