type of event | death |
the date | on Friday, the 20th of March 1829 on 4 PM (UTC+1) 192 years, 3 months and 27 days ago (as of 18 JUL 2021) |
site | Strojec, POL‑OP Europe, Poland, województwo opolskie, powiat oleski, gmina Praszka, Strojec |
dead person | Elżbieta ‘Błogoś’ Myśliwiec née Krupa [parents: Stanisław, Marianna]
(43 years, 4 months and 25 days; see also birth) |
submitter | sister-in-law: Roch ‘Błogoś’ Myśliwiec (56 years)
Błogoś, sołtys |
clerk registering death | ks. Mateusz Feczkei
(43 years) |
submitter (2nd) | Jakub Krzemiński |