type of event | marriage |
the date | on Saturday, the 25th of January 1817 on 10 AM (UTC+1) 206 years, 11 months and 7 days ago (as of 1 JAN 2024) |
site | Cieszęcin, now POL‑LD kościół św. Wojciecha w Cieszęcinie Europe, Poland, województwo łódzkie, powiat wieruszowski, gmina Wieruszów, Cieszęcin |
husband: | Szymon Zapłotny (1793 Osiek – ?)
(23 years and 2 months; see also marriage of parents◄◄◄◄) According to Article 151 of Code Napoleon, husband: Szymon ‘demanded, by a respectful and formal act, the advice of’ the following person:
wife: | Marianna Sobczak by marriage Zapłotna [husband: Szymon] (≈1798 – ?)
(19 years) |
celebrant | ks. Eugeniusz Kłodzianowski |
witness | Roch Mańdus
(53 years)
wuj nowożeńca |
witness (3rd) | Benedykt Smolis
(32 years)
brat (sic!) zaślubionej |
witness (2nd) | Wojciech Stasik szwagier nowożeńca |
witness (4th) | Piotr Sobczak brat zaślubionej |
children of marriage (2) | Małgorzata (≈1829 Osiek – 1864 Osiek █) •••• Andrzej (≈1832 Osiek – ?) •••• |