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birth of Marcin Pindor

type of eventbirth
the datein 1812
212 years ago (as of 26 FEB 2024)
siteSokolniki, now POL‑LD
Europe, Poland, województwo łódzkie, powiat wieruszowski, gmina Sokolniki, Sokolniki
childMarcin Józef Pindor
(see also death)
fatherJan Pindor [wife: Marianna]
(see also marriage)
died 1 year after the eventin 1813
motherMarianna Garsztych by marriage Pindor [parents: Jan, Katarzyna]
(36 years)
died 14 years after the eventon the 9th of October 1826


Identifier: MR13491-B
Last changes: 15 DEC 2019
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