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birth of Elżbieta Róg

type of eventbirth
the datein 1817
207 years ago (as of 1 JAN 2024)
siteRzochów, now POL‑PK
Europe, Poland, województwo podkarpackie, powiat mielecki, Mielec, Rzochów
childElżbieta Wierzbicka née Róg
(see also christening)
fatherJakub Róg [parents: Wojciech, Franciszka]
(32 years; see also marriage – 13 years before)
Jacobus Rug milles? [żołnierz?]
motherRozalia Wydro by marriage Róg [father: Piotr]
(31 years)
Rosalia ex patre Petri Wydro
died 28 years after the event (1845)
Identifier: MR15525-B
Last changes: 8 OCT 2022
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