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birth of Rozalia Jankowska

type of eventbirth
the dateabt. 1816
208 years ago (as of 26 FEB 2024)
siteBędków, now POL‑LD
Europe, Poland, województwo łódzkie, powiat sieradzki, gmina Burzenin, Będków
childRozalia Kołodziejczak née Jankowska
fatherJakub Jankowski [wife: Małgorzata]
(35 years; see also marriage)
died 20 years after the event (1836)
motherMałgorzata Szymańska by marriage Jankowska [husband: Jakub]
(25 years)
died 34 years after the event (1850)


Identifier: MR16515-B
Last changes: 17 FEB 2024
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