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Age on child’s birth (Pietras)

Weronika ‘Walentyna’ Pietras née Kalinowska was21 yearsold when she bore a daughter (Krystyna Pychyńska née Pietras)
Weronika ‘Walentyna’ Pietras née Kalinowska was23 yearsold when she bore a son (Tadeusz Pietras)
Józef Pietras was26 yearsold when a daughter was born to him (Krystyna Pychyńska née Pietras)
Józef Pietras was28 yearsold when a son was born to him (Tadeusz Pietras)
Stanisława Pietras née Kulińska was31 yearsold when she bore a son (Tadeusz Pietras)
Antoni Pietras was37 yearsold when a son was born to him (Tadeusz Pietras)
There were found 6 births for which we know the parent’s age at the event (parent’s and child’s year of birth). Average age of having children is 30 years for males and 25 years for females.
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