Monday |
Jan Pyryt |
died |
on the 10th of September 1894 |
Marianna Kozdęba née Tomczyk |
died |
on the 13rd of July 1896 |
Józef Pyryt |
died |
on the 25th of December 1933 |
Stanisława Róg née Kotwica |
was born |
on the 28th of June 1948 |
Tuesday |
Jakób Pyryt |
was born |
on the 27th of July 1858 |
Maria Bindyk née Pyryt |
was born |
on the 18th of March 1890 |
Katarzyna Kozdęba |
was born |
on the 22nd of April 1890 |
Antoni Wilk |
was born |
on the 18th of February 1896 |
Józef Pyryt |
was born |
on the 2nd of May 1899 |
Emilia Bindyk |
died |
on the 4th of January 1910 |
Jakób Pyryt |
died |
on the 7th of January 1936 |
Adam Bindyk |
died |
on the 8th of March 1949 |
Stanisława Róg née Kotwica |
died |
on the 24th of March 1987 |
Wednesday |
Jan Pyryt |
was born |
on the 5th of September 1894 |
Katarzyna Kozdęba née Wilk |
died |
on the 4th of October 1899 |
Józef Kozdęba and Ewa Rębisz [MR15464] |
got married |
on the 7th of February 1900 |
Adam Bindyk and Maria Pyryt [MR01582] |
got married |
on the 15th of January 1908 |
Jan Róg |
was born |
on the 23rd of December 1914 |
Antoni Wilk and Franciszka Pyryt [MR01404] |
got married |
on the 22nd of February 1922 |
Zofia Róg née Wilk |
was born |
on the 20th of September 1922 |
Thursday |
Walenty Kozdęba |
died |
on the 3rd of February 1898 |
Józef Pyryt and Franciszka Strojek [MR01585] |
got married |
on the 9th of June 1927 |
Stanisław Róg |
was born |
on the 24th of April 1941 |
Anna Pyryt |
died |
on the 17th of January 1963 |
Friday |
Adam Bindyk |
was born |
on the 2nd of June 1882 |
Andrzej Kozdęba |
was born |
on the 8th of July 1892 |
Franciszka Kozdęba |
was born |
on the 15th of June 1894 |
Jan Pyryt |
was born |
on the 11st of December 1896 |
Emilia Bindyk |
was born |
on the 24th of April 1908 |
Maria Bindyk née Pyryt |
died |
on the 27th of December 1963 |
Saturday |
Ewa Rębisz |
was born |
on the 12ve of December 1863 |
Anna Pyryt |
was born |
on the 4th of May 1889 |
Agata Kozdęba |
was born |
on the 15th of November 1890 |
Dominik Kozdęba |
was born |
on the 6th of August 1898 |
Sunday |
Józef Kozdęba |
was born |
on the 22nd of July 1855 |
Franciszka Wilk née Pyryt |
was born |
on the 14th of August 1892 |
Jan Kozdęba |
died |
on the 12ve of February 1893 |
Adam Piryt |
was born |
on the 10th of June 1906 |
Jan Róg and Zofia Wilk [MR01406] |
got married |
on the 4th of February 1940 |
Franciszka Wilk née Pyryt |
died |
on the 8th of July 1962 |
Zofia Róg née Wilk |
died |
on the 24th of June 1984 |
Jan Róg |
died |
on the 7th of July 1985 |
Stanisław Róg |
died |
on the 9th of March 1997 |