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Age on marriage (Wdowiak)

Helen Komsa née Doviak was20 yearsold when she got married (husband: Roman Komsa)
Caroline Doviak née Wilk was22 yearsold when she got married (husband: Andrew Doviak)
John L. ‘Jack’ Hover was22 yearsold when he got married (wife: Sophie E. Hover née Doviak)
Sophie E. Hover née Doviak was23 yearsold when she got married (husband: John L. ‘Jack’ Hover)
Emily Stefanco née Doviak was25 yearsold when she got married (husband: John J. Stefanco)
Andrew Doviak was26 yearsold when he got married (wife: Caroline Doviak née Wilk)
Mary Doviak née Krywicka was26 yearsold when she got married (husband: Fred Doviak)
John J. Stefanco was27 yearsold when he got married (wife: Emily Stefanco née Doviak)
Fred Doviak was27 yearsold when he got married (wife: Mary Doviak née Krywicka)
There are 9 marriages, in which we know the spouses' age at that moment (year of birth, year of wedding). Average age of getting married for males is 25 years, and for females 23 years.
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