News 2010
27th of December, 2010
The 10th update. In the database there are 17 825 records, within 3868 individuals, 2185 objects, 10300 events (3120 births, 1333 marriages, 871 deaths), 1228 sites, 91 institutions, 153 notes and 1580 sources. There are 36 families descendended from various progenitors. The website was created within 953 minutes (almost 16 hours). You can review recent changes and rectifications.
25th of August, 2010
The 9th update. In the database there are 16515 records (+3580 since Jan.): 3633 individuals, 1930 objects, 9525 events (2906 births, 1258 marriages, 791 deaths), 1192 sites, 88 institutions, 147 notes and 1316 sources. There are 31 families descendended from various progenitors. The website was created within 777 minutes. You can review recent changes and rectifications.
24th of January, 2010
The 8th update. In the database there are 12935 records: 2983 individuals, 1098 objects, 7642 events (2361 births, 1029 marriages, 648 deaths), 1002 sites, 68 institutions, 142 notes and 973 sources. There are 32 families descendended from various progenitors. The website was created within 460 minutes.