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paternal grandfather:
Marcin Wilk
paternal grandmother:
Tekla Tomczyk
maternal grandfather:
Józef Wilk
maternal grandmother:
Marianna Flis
Jan Wilk
Agnieszka Wilk

Catherine Dziewiatek née Wilk

  Catherine Dziewiatek née Wilk Catherine was born  on Wednesday, the 8th of April 1891 in Dęba, nowadays Nowa Dęba, now POL‑PK and she died in 1980

christened  on Thursday, the 9th of April 1891 in kościół św. Bartłomieja ap. w Majdanie Królewskim, Majdan Królewski, now POL‑PK; her godparents were Jan Dobrowolski and Katarzyna Flis

place of burial: St Michael’s Cemetery, South Hackensack, USA‑NJ

last residence: Clifton, USA‑NJ

residences: Nowa Dęba

Naming: formerly as Katarzyna Dziewiątek née Wilk, latter as Catherine Dziewiatek née Wilk

She lived 89 years; was born 132 years and 10 months ago, died 44 years ago (as of 26 FEB 2024); her mother was 31 years old and father was 35 years old at her birth; Catherine was 37 years old when her mother died and 38 years old when her father died
    Marek Wilk
Catherine was the 3rd amongst the siblings; she had got 4 brothers and 4 sisters
John Dziewiatek (4 years older)
marriage: abt. 1911 (date calculated)
they got maried 113 years ago; Catherine was then 20 years old
they were married for 38 years until John died, Catherine lived 31 years more
Catherine had got 4 children — 2 daughters and 2 sons


  • {#1} I am publishing private correspondence between deceased relatives because it deserves to be recorded as a testimony to family ties, times and humanity of individual people. It was important for the subsequent keepers, since it was preserved. The correspondents were not public figures, but they also deserve to be commemorated and preserved from oblivion. The correspondence contains references to ordinary interpersonal relationships, elements of everyday and family life. It is written in different languages, often everyday, colloquial, ordinary, with errors. To some, reading such notes may seem a bit like violating someone else’s intimacy. However, it is worth keeping such artifacts. Thanks to them, we get to know a bit what kind of people they were, how they functioned. They become closer to us. It’s easier to empathize with their situation. As it once was written by me:“I was not looking for traces of|literally specific people on bicycle routes. After all, my ancestors and relatives did not leave monuments or palaces along the roads. At most, from the names on the cemetery tombstones of (yet) unknown people, I could recognize whether until recently anyone of my relatives had survived there. I wanted to visit churches that they may have visited or seen, like me from the outside (they – because of a different religious denomination, me – because of my dress and closed doors). I wanted to see local monuments in the open air, which did not require securing my traveling belongings for the duration of sightseeing. I just wanted to be briefly and symbolically in the places where they also lived. See the sky they looked at, under which they experienced the events that I imagined after reading the vital records. Breathe in this air and walk along the paths they followed. Before they were asphalted and smog came. I willingly chose field and forest gravel, unless an evening feast of mosquitoes, flies and other insects loving me without reciprocity.”.Source: “Rowerem śladami przodków owczarzy” Parantele 6(2021) Śląskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne we Wrocławiu (ISBN 978-83-959129-6-2 ISSN 2451-4136) s. 173; “Śladami przodków owczarzy” Odkrywca 7/2022 (282, ISSN 1505-6104) s. 26.
  • {#2} See also distribution of surname ‘Wilk’ 2002 (Poland).
  • {#3} See also etymology of surname ‘Wilk’.
  • {#4} See also etymology of surname ‘Dziewiatek’.
  • {#5} Belongs to the Flis family (progenitor: Wawrzyniec Flis).
  • {#6} Belongs to the Tomczyk family (progenitor: Michał Tomczyk).
  • {#7} Belongs to the Wilk family (progenitor: Marcin Wilk).
  • {#8} As of 26 FEB 2024 she has got at least 4 children, 11 grandchildren, 20 great‑grandchildren and 2 great×2‑grandchildren


  • {#1} Akt chrztu Katarzyny Wilk [MR15231-P] Birth and christening certificate of Catherine Wilk (MR15231). Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzymskokatolickiej w Majdanie Królewskim z lat 1890–1894 (MR03922-1), Parish in Majdan Krolewski; where: 19/1891 Dęba; repository: Archiwum Państwowe w Kielcach Oddział w Sandomierzu, where: PL/24/821/0/-/1 SzwA jedn. 11544972
    Parochia Majdan, 1891, Liber Natorum, Pagina pro Dęba, Aprilis, Series 19, Natus 8, Baptisat 9, Numerus Domus 70, Nomen: Catharina, Religio Catholica, Sexus: Puella, leg., Pater: Joannes Wilk f. Martini et Theclæ Tomczyk c.j., Mater: Agnes f. Josephus Wilk et Mariannæ Flis c.j., Patrini et eorum conditio: Joannes Dobrowolski, Catharina ux. Joannis Flis agr., Obstetrix: qui supra
    Akt urodzenia 19/1891, ur. 08.04.1891 Dęba 70, chrz. 09.04.1891, Katarzyna, prawa córka, ojciec: Jan Wilk syn Marcina Wilka i Tekli Tomczyk, matka: Agnieszka córka Józefa Wilka i Marii Flis, rodzice chrzestni: Jan Dobrowolski i Katarzyna żona Jana Flisa rolnika
    citation: 6 OCT 2008 Sandomierz, Archiwum Państwowe w Kielcach Oddział w Sandomierzu
  • {#2} E-mail (MR02159) 22 APR 2005 {private}
  • {#3} John Dziewiatek’s 1930 U.S. Census (MR04314); where: MR04151 #012
    1930 United States Federal Census, Census Place: Wallington, Bergen, New Jersey; Roll: 1317; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 242; Image: 71.0
    • Name: John Dziewistah (sic! Dziewiatek) • Relation: head • Home: rents home, 24$ monthly • Farm: no farm • Sex: male • Color or race: white • Age: 44 years old (abt 1886) • Marital status: married at 24 (abt 1911) • School: not learning now • Reading and writing: no • Birth place: Poland, parents too • Native language: Polish • Speaks English: yes • Citizenship: immigration 1908, alien • Occupation: worker(?), employed
    • Name: Katharine Dziewistah (sic! Catherine Dziewiatek) • Relation: wife • Sex: female • Color or race: white • Age: 38 years old (abt 1892) • Marital status: married at 20 (abt 1911) • School: not learning now • Reading and writing: no • Birth place: Poland, parents too • Native language: Polish • Speaks English: yes • Citizenship: immigration 1909, alien • Occupation: none
    • Name: Fred Dziewistah (sic! Ferdinand Dziewiatek) • Relation: son • Sex: male • Color or race: white • Age: 8 years old (abt 1921) • Marital status: single • School: attented in last school year • Reading and writing: no • Birth place: New Jersey; both parents in Poland • Native language: — • Speaks English: no • Citizenship: U.S. • Occupation: none
    • Name: Josephine Dziewistah (sic! Dziewiatek) • Relation: daughter • Sex: female • Color or race: white • Age: 7 years old (abt 1923) • Marital status: single • School: attending school in last year • Reading and writing: no • Birth place: New Jersey; both parents in Poland • Native language: — • Speaks English: no • Citizenship: U.S. • Occupation: none
    • Name: Chester Dziewistah (sic! Dziewiatek) • Relation: son • Sex: male • Color or race: white • Age: 5 years old (abt 1925) • Marital status: single • School: not learning yet • Reading and writing: no • Birth place: New Jersey; both parents in Poland • Native language: — • Speaks English: no • Citizenship: U.S. • Occupation: none
    • Name: Frances Melk (sic! Wilk) • Relation: boarder (sic! sister-in-law) • Sex: female • Color or race: white • Age: 34 years old (abt 1895) • Marital status: single • School: not learning now • Reading and writing: no • Birth place: Poland, parents too • Native language: Polish • Speaks English: no • Citizenship: immigration 1912, alien • Occupation: …wool…(?), employed
    • Name: Catherine Sudol (perhaps a cousin, Sudoł is a frequent surname in Dęba&surroundings) • Relation: boarder • Sex: female • Color or race: white • Age: 26 years old (abt 1904) • Marital status: single • School: not learning now • Reading and writing: no • Birth place: Poland, parents too • Native language: Polish • Speaks English: no • Citizenship: immigration 1923, alien • Occupation: …factory…(?), employed
  • {#4} Catherine Dziewiatek to John Rog 1958 [MR00609-P] Catherine Dziewiatek to John Rog 1958 (MR00609). Catherine Dziewiatek to John Rog 1958; repository: Maciej Róg, Brzeskie archiwum domowe Rogów; past repository: Tadeusz Róg, Dębskie archiwum domowe Rogów 27 OCT 1958 Clifton, Catherine Dziewiatek
    Clifton, 27/10 1948 [sic!*] r. Drogi siostrzeńcu, wras s twoją żonądziećmi, najpierw donoszę wam, że list od was otszymałam i dziękuję wam za niego serdecznie, jak również za zdjęcie waszej rodziny i za te wszystkie podziękowania, chociasz tam nic nie było godnego uwagi w tym pakunku, ale ja sobie myślała, że może sie coś dla kogo pszyda s tych sukieneczek, to było parę, co tylko na lato, jak jest bardzo gorąco. Drogi Janku, muszę cie pochwalić s tą twoją rodziną, masz ładną żonę i bardzo ładnych synów, a te dziewczynki, to susz jak dwie laleczki, powinien żeś być dumny s takiej rodziny, to zdjecie cóś mi przysłał, to ja jusz miała, bo twoja mamusia mi ras przysłała, ale to nic, bo ja teras jedno dała do ciotki Ludzia i ona sie bardzo ucieszyła tą pamiątką. Ja sie cieszę, że sobie budujecie domek i jakoś sie dorabiacie, to jest prawda, że ta budowa domu to kosztuje dużo pieniędzy i cieszkiej pracy, ale z pomocą Bożą wszystkiego można dokonać. Dobrze, że żyjecie w zgodzie z rodziną, bo tak być powinno, żeby jedni drugim pomagali co mogą. Co do listów to nie pisz nigdy osobnego listu, bo ja widzę, że te listy was tam dużo pieniędzy kosztują. Jeszcze cie muszę pochwalić, kochany Janku, żeś ładnie i dobrze list napisał, tak żeś go dobrze ułożył, ja go bardzo dobrze mogłam pszeczytać. Wszystkie nowiny napisałam do twojej mamusi, to jak pszeczytasz jej list, to i tak bedziesz wiedział. Kończę te parę słów i zasyłam serdeczne pozdrowienia, drogi siostrzeńcu, twojej żonie i dzieciom. Pozdrawiam mamusie twojej żony, niech wam wszystkim Pan Bóg błogosławi, tego wam życzy kochająca was Ciotka K. Dziewiatek wras z całą rodziną.
    Droga siostro daj tę karteczkę Jasiowi
    Clifton, 27/10 1948 [sic!*] Dear nephew, with your wife and children, at first I inform, that I have received the letter from you, thank you for the letter very much, and for all those your words of thanks, howeve, there was nothing worth noting in the package, but I had been thinking, that there might be something useful amongst that little dresses, that were just a few, only for the summer, when it is very hot. Dear Johnny, I have to commend you with that your family, you have got pretty wife and very handsome sons, and those little girls you should dry [keep] like dolls, you should be proud of such a family, that picture, which you have sent to me, I had already had, because your mommy had already sent it to me, but it’s OK, because I have given one of it to aunt Ludzia and she is very pleased with this souvenir. I am glad that you are building a house and you somehow you make extra money, it is true, that rising a house costs a lot of money and hard work, but with God’s help, all can be done. It is good that you live in harmony with family, because it is how it should be, that one help another, what they can. As to the letters, never write a separate letter, because I see that those letter cost you a lot of money. I must eventually I must commend you, dear Johnny, that you have written the letter nicely and properly, you have put it so well, that I could read it very easy. All the news have been written by me to your mom, so that when you read her letter, then you will know. I finish these few words and send you warmest greetings, [to you] dear nephew, to your wife and children. Greetings to mommy of your wife, may the Lord God bless you all, that’s what the one who loves you, wishes to you, aunt K. Dziewiatek with the whole family.
    Dear sister give this card to Johnny
  • {#5} Jan&Katarzyna Dziewiatek’s FindAGrave Memorials (MR15931). Find A Grave, Jim Tipton 1995–2013, Ancestry LLC 2013–2024; bibliographic description of the cited fragment: memorials&photo by Names In Stone © (member 48147271, thank you!), 27 Jul 2014; where: +
    citation: 20 MAY 2023, Maciej Róg


paternal grandmother: Tekla Wilk née Tomczyk (1843-1905)
father: Jan Wilk (1856-1929)
mother: Agnieszka Wilk née Wilk (1860-1928)
sister: Caroline Doviak née Wilk (1886-1948)
sister: Maria Róg née Wilk (1889-1969)
Catherine Dziewiatek née Wilk (1891-1980)
brother: Michael John Wilk (1894-1965)
sister: Frances Ludzia née Wilk (1895-1974)
sister: Aniela Radek née Wilk (1897-1993)
brother: Wojciech Wilk (1900-1977)
brother: Andrew Wilk (1903-1963)
husband: John Dziewiatek (1887-1949)
daughter: Josephine Dziewiatek (1923-2016)

List of ancestors

the 1st generation:
the 2nd generation – parents:
  2. Jan Wilk
the 3rd generation – grandparents:
the 4th generation – great‑grandparents:

Descendant chart

Catherine Wilk

├──> Ferdinand Dziewiatek
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├──> Josephine Dziewiatek
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├──> Chester Dziewiatek
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│     ├──> Gloria Dziewiatek
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└──> Jane Dziewiatek
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Identifier: MR01558
Last changes: 21 MAY 2023
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