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Family generations statistics (Kopeć)

Family line Kopeć (100% individuals)

Whole figure of people722 descendants — the number does not include 406 individuals who joined the family through a marriage (all relatives are 1128 individuals). The values may not include some data that are hidden due to privacy policy.
Males therein371 (51%)
Females therein340 (47%)
Therein unknown sex11
Number of the alives561 (78%)
Number of the deads161 (22%)
Average age of deads64 years
The first birthabt. 1819 (Tomasz Kopeć)
The last birth1982 (Maciej Róg)
Births spread163 years
The first death9 DEC 1886 (Stanisław Kopeć)
The last death26 MAY 2018 (Mae Ziolkowski)
Deaths spread131 years

the 1st generation – children (0% individuals)

Whole figure of people3
Males therein3
Number of the deads3
Average age of deads65 years
The first birthabt. 1819 (Tomasz Kopeć)
The last birth1835 (Stanisław Kopeć)
Births spread16 years
The first death9 DEC 1886 (Stanisław Kopeć)
The last death7 JUL 1897 (Tomasz Kopeć)
Deaths spread10 years

the 2nd generation – grandchildren (2% individuals)

Whole figure of people16
Males therein7 (44%)
Females therein9 (56%)
Number of the deads16
Average age of deads69 years
The first birth25 JAN 1838 (Agata Kopeć)
The last birth8 MAY 1864 (Rozalia Kopeć)
Births spread26 years and 3 months
The first death1 OCT 1904 (Józef Kopeć)
The last death1935 ÷ 1939 (Marianna Wilk)
Deaths spread31 years

the 3rd generation – great‑grandchildren (3% individuals)

Whole figure of people25
Males therein14 (56%)
Females therein11 (44%)
Number of the deads25
Average age of deads55 years
The first birth21 JUL 1870 (Jan Kopeć)
The last birth1 JAN 1899 (Marianna Mazur)
Births spread28 years and 5 months
The first death6 JUN 1887 (Wojciech Kopeć)
The last death8 JUL 1982 (Karolina Nidental)
Deaths spread95 years

the 4th generation – great×2‑grandchildren (11% individuals)

Whole figure of people78
Males therein37 (47%)
Females therein41 (53%)
Number of the alives7 (9%)
Number of the deads71 (91%)
Average age of deads66 years
The first birth1 APR 1896 (Albert Kopec)
The last birth23 FEB 1931 (Leon Ziolkowski)
Births spread34 years and 10 months
The first death30 JUL 1903 (Roman Ziółkowski)
The last death26 MAY 2018 (Mae Ziolkowski)
Deaths spread114 years

the 5th generation – great×3‑grandchildren (21% individuals)

Whole figure of people150
Males therein75 (50%)
Females therein71 (47%)
Therein unknown sex4
Number of the alives117 (78%)
Number of the deads33 (22%)
Average age of deads65 years
The first birth9 JUN 1924 (Frances Jones)
The last birth24 APR 1941 (Stanisław Róg)
Births spread16 years and 10 months
The first death22 DEC 1948 (Robert Simeone)
The last death6 AUG 2005 (Frances Jones)
Deaths spread56 years

the 6th generation – great×4‑grandchildren (31% individuals)

Whole figure of people225
Males therein112 (50%)
Females therein110 (49%)
Therein unknown sex3
Number of the alives215 (96%)
Number of the deads10 (4%)
The first birth1982 (Maciej Róg)
The last death15 AUG 1993 (Timothy Runnheim)

the 7th generation – great×5‑grandchildren (27% individuals)

Whole figure of people195
Males therein109 (56%)
Females therein85 (44%)
Therein unknown sex1
Number of the alives192 (98%)
Number of the deads3 (2%)
The first death29 APR 1993 (Thomas Loessberg)
The last death11 JUN 2004 (Anthony DeMelo)
Deaths spread11 years

the 8th generation – great×6‑grandchildren (4% individuals)

Whole figure of people30
Males therein14 (47%)
Females therein13 (43%)
Therein unknown sex3
Number of the alives30
Generated by JSFamilia