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Family generations statistics (Krzak)

Family line Krzak (100% individuals)

Whole figure of people798 descendants — the number does not include 284 individuals who joined the family through a marriage (all relatives are 1082 individuals). The values may not include some data that are hidden due to privacy policy.
Males therein396 (50%)
Females therein386 (48%)
Therein unknown sex16
Number of the alives535 (67%)
Number of the deads259 (32%)
Number of the people which we do not know whether they live4
Average age of deads44 years
The first birthabt. 1766 (Wojciech Krzak)
The last birth1982 (Maciej Róg)
Births spread216 years
The first death1801 (Marcin Lipczak)
The last death24 JUN 2017 (Tadeusz Pietras)
Deaths spread216 years

the 1st generation – children (0% individuals)

Whole figure of people3
Males therein2
Females therein1 »» Antonina Lipczak
Number of the deads3
Average age of deads63 years
The first birthabt. 1766 (Wojciech Krzak)
The last birthabt. 1771 (Antonina Lipczak)
Births spread5 years
The first death12 JUN 1821 (Antonina Lipczak)
The last death1842 (Jakub Krzak)
Deaths spread21 years

the 2nd generation – grandchildren (2% individuals)

Whole figure of people16
Males therein6 (38%)
Females therein10 (63%)
Number of the deads16
Average age of deads37 years
The first birth15 SEP 1790 (Jadwiga Lipczak)
The last birth9 MAY 1814 (Zofia Krzak)
Births spread23 years and 7 months
The first death1801 (Marcin Lipczak)
The last death23 FEB 1880 (Antoni Lipczak)
Deaths spread79 years

the 3rd generation – great‑grandchildren (6% individuals)

Whole figure of people46
Males therein22 (48%)
Females therein24 (52%)
Number of the deads46
Average age of deads20 years
The first birth27 SEP 1809 (Michał Kwasner→Lipczak)
The last birth28 JAN 1855 (Franciszek Lipczak)
Births spread45 years and 4 months
The first death14 FEB 1813 (Wincenty Kwasner→Lipczak)
The last death23 DEC 1933 (Franciszka Baryła)
Deaths spread120 years

the 4th generation – great×2‑grandchildren (6% individuals)

Whole figure of people49
Males therein24 (49%)
Females therein25 (51%)
Number of the deads49
Average age of deads28 years
The first birth29 MAR 1835 (Franciszka Kwasner)
The last birth19 OCT 1891 (Marianna Baryła)
Births spread56 years and 6 months
The first death5 DEC 1838 (Wojciech Lipczak)
The last death2 FEB 1969 (Aleksandra Dudek)
Deaths spread130 years

the 5th generation – great×3‑grandchildren (6% individuals)

Whole figure of people45
Males therein18 (40%)
Females therein27 (60%)
Number of the deads45
Average age of deads65 years
The first birth13 FEB 1871 (Julianna Stykała)
The last birth27 APR 1916 (Pierre Baryla)
Births spread45 years and 2 months
The first death28 SEP 1898 (Michalina Kalinowska)
The last death25 MAR 2006 (Zofia Nalichowska)
Deaths spread107 years

the 6th generation – great×4‑grandchildren (10% individuals)

Whole figure of people81
Males therein48 (59%)
Females therein32 (40%)
Therein unknown sex1
Number of the alives21 (26%)
Number of the deads56 (69%)
Number of the people which we do not know whether they live4
Average age of deads59 years
The first birth8 MAR 1906 (Stanisław Janas)
The last birth30 AUG 1948 (Maria Kowalska)
Births spread42 years and 5 months
The first death1940 ÷ 1950 (Zofia Sałata)
The last death24 JUN 2017 (Tadeusz Pietras)
Deaths spread77 years

the 7th generation – great×5‑grandchildren (22% individuals)

Whole figure of people177
Males therein88 (50%)
Females therein87 (49%)
Therein unknown sex2
Number of the alives152 (86%)
Number of the deads25 (14%)
Average age of deads32 years
The first birth19 JAN 1935 (Maria Kurpiel)
The last birth1982 (Maciej Róg)
Births spread47 years
The first death1944 (Stefan Zagrodnik)
The last death13 JUL 1990 (Maria Kurpiel)
Deaths spread46 years

the 8th generation – great×6‑grandchildren (32% individuals)

Whole figure of people258
Males therein127 (49%)
Females therein123 (48%)
Therein unknown sex8
Number of the alives242 (94%)
Number of the deads16 (6%)
The first birth27 JUL 1960 (Elżbieta Kurpiel)
The first death5 NOV 1976 (Elżbieta Kurpiel)
The last death27 JUN 2016 (Rafał Rasztar)
Deaths spread39 years

the 9th generation – great×7‑grandchildren (15% individuals)

Whole figure of people117
Males therein57 (49%)
Females therein55 (47%)
Therein unknown sex5
Number of the alives114 (97%)
Number of the deads3 (3%)
The first death19 JUN 2004 (Michał Zagrodnik)
The last death8 DEC 2004 (Wiktor Węgierski)
Deaths spread5 months

the 10th generation – great×8‑grandchildren (1% individuals)

Whole figure of people6
Males therein4 (67%)
Females therein2 (33%)
Number of the alives6
Generated by JSFamilia