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Family generations statistics (Kukuł)

Family line Kukuł (100% individuals)

Whole figure of people625 descendants — the number does not include 298 individuals who joined the family through a marriage (all relatives are 923 individuals). The values may not include some data that are hidden due to privacy policy.
Males therein311 (50%)
Females therein304 (49%)
Therein unknown sex10
Number of the alives362 (58%)
Number of the deads256 (41%)
Number of the people which we do not know whether they live7
Average age of deads43 years
The first birthabt. 1740 (……… Korzeniowska)
The last birth1982 (Maciej Róg)
Births spread242 years
The first death27 NOV 1806 (Andrzej Kukuł)
The last death24 JUN 2017 (Tadeusz Pietras)
Deaths spread210 years

the 1st generation – children (0% individuals)

Whole figure of people3
Males therein1 »» Marcin Kukuł
Females therein2
Number of the deads3
The first birthabt. 1740 (……… Korzeniowska)
The last birthabt. 1763 (Agnieszka Maślona)
Births spread23 years
The last death10 JUL 1808 (Marcin Kukuł)

the 2nd generation – grandchildren (1% individuals)

Whole figure of people9
Males therein7 (78%)
Females therein2 (22%)
Number of the deads9
Average age of deads59 years
The first birthabt. 1754 (Piotr Korzeniowski)
The last birth1 DEC 1798 (Mikołaj Kukuł)
Births spread44 years
The first death26 JAN 1818 (Jadwiga Kowalczyk)
The last death20 MAY 1864 (Jan Kukuł)
Deaths spread46 years

the 3rd generation – great‑grandchildren (4% individuals)

Whole figure of people28
Males therein15 (54%)
Females therein13 (46%)
Number of the deads28
Average age of deads12 years
The first birthabt. 1775 (Aleksy Korzeniowski)
The last birth8 FEB 1841 (Konstancja Zagrodnik)
Births spread66 years
The first death27 NOV 1806 (Andrzej Kukuł)
The last death14 APR 1889 (Julianna Lipczak)
Deaths spread82 years

the 4th generation – great×2‑grandchildren (11% individuals)

Whole figure of people69
Males therein30 (43%)
Females therein38 (55%)
Therein unknown sex1
Number of the deads69
Average age of deads15 years
The first birth5 OCT 1809 (Łukasz Duda)
The last birth1870 (Marianna Kukuł)
Births spread61 years
The first death7 JUL 1834 (Aleksander Kukuł)
The last death23 DEC 1933 (Franciszka Baryła)
Deaths spread99 years

the 5th generation – great×3‑grandchildren (6% individuals)

Whole figure of people37
Males therein22 (59%)
Females therein15 (41%)
Number of the deads37
Average age of deads47 years
The first birth13 DEC 1834 (Tomasz Morawiak)
The last birth˃ est. 1908 (Stefan Kowalczyk)
Births spread74 years
The first death18 JAN 1861 (Jan Morawiak)
The last death2 FEB 1969 (Aleksandra Dudek)
Deaths spread108 years

the 6th generation – great×4‑grandchildren (7% individuals)

Whole figure of people46
Males therein16 (35%)
Females therein30 (65%)
Number of the deads42 (91%)
Number of the people which we do not know whether they live4
Average age of deads60 years
The first birthabt. 1857 (Katarzyna Morawiak)
The last birth12 MAR 1918 (Józef Kowalczyk)
Births spread61 years
The first death1 DEC 1865 (Katarzyna Morawiak)
The last death16 OCT 2005 (Pierre Baryla)
Deaths spread139 years

the 7th generation – great×5‑grandchildren (11% individuals)

Whole figure of people70
Males therein39 (56%)
Females therein30 (43%)
Therein unknown sex1
Number of the alives21 (30%)
Number of the deads46 (66%)
Number of the people which we do not know whether they live3
Average age of deads54 years
The first birth28 FEB 1897 (Wojciech Kowalczyk)
The last birth30 AUG 1948 (Maria Kowalska)
Births spread51 years and 6 months
The first deathabt. 1920 (Stefan Kowalczyk)
The last death24 JUN 2017 (Tadeusz Pietras)
Deaths spread97 years

the 8th generation – great×6‑grandchildren (19% individuals)

Whole figure of people117
Males therein62 (53%)
Females therein53 (45%)
Therein unknown sex2
Number of the alives103 (88%)
Number of the deads14 (12%)
The first birth27 JUL 1960 (Elżbieta Kurpiel)
The last birth1982 (Maciej Róg)
Births spread22 years
The first death29 SEP 1967 (Barbara Janik)
The last death10 JUN 1978 (Urszula Bąk)
Deaths spread10 years

the 9th generation – great×7‑grandchildren (30% individuals)

Whole figure of people185
Males therein89 (48%)
Females therein90 (49%)
Therein unknown sex6
Number of the alives178 (96%)
Number of the deads7 (4%)
The first death9 AUG 1990 (Emilia Hofman)
The last death27 JUN 2016 (Rafał Rasztar)
Deaths spread25 years

the 10th generation – great×8‑grandchildren (10% individuals)

Whole figure of people60
Males therein29 (48%)
Females therein31 (52%)
Number of the alives59
Number of the deads1
The last death8 DEC 2004 (Wiktor Węgierski)

the 11st generation – great×9‑grandchildren (0% individuals)

Whole figure of people1
Males therein1
Number of the alives1 »» {private}
Generated by JSFamilia