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birth of Adam Hofman

type of eventbirth
the date
on Sunday, the 27th of March 1898
125 years, 9 months and 5 days ago (as of 1 JAN 2024)
siteZakrzew, now POL‑SL
Europe, Poland, województwo śląskie, powiat kłobucki, gmina Kłobuck, Kłobuck, Zakrzew
childAdam Hofman
(see also death, christening)
fatherJan Hofman [wife: Anna]
(37 years; see also marriage)
motherAnna Ślusarczyk by marriage Hofman
(30 years)
appearer while registrationMateusz Michalski
appearer while registration (2nd)Wojciech Sikora


Identifier: MR01062-B
Last changes: 24 JAN 2017
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