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statement of {private}
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date of statement
on Sunday, the 30th of October 2005
18 years, 2 months and 2 days ago
(as of 1 JAN 2024)
Maciej Róg
(23 years)
to whom or to what is related to
Stefania Kopeć née Skrzypczak
Antoni Skrzypczak
Michael Plaza
(died 64 years and 4 months before)
Mary Syputa née Ziolkowski
(died 43 years and 5 months before)
birth 1896 APR 1 Huta Komorowska of Albert Kopec
birth 1875 NOV 28 Parish in Majdan Krolewski of Anna Gurdak
birth 1880 DEC 23 Huta Komorowska of Henrietta Zulowski
birth 1871 AUG 15 Komorów of Michael Plaza
birth 1875 AUG 21 Huta Komorowska of Mary Ziolkowski
death of Ziółkowski Władysław
birth 1854 OCT 20 of Ewa Kopeć
birth 1887 MAY 18 of Wojciech Kopeć
birth 1890 JAN 25 Huta Komorowska of Franciszek Kopeć
birth 1892 MAR 5 Huta Komorowska of Karolina Kopeć
death 1889 APR 8 Huta Komorowska of Anna Kopeć [parents: Wawrzyniec, Ewa]
birth 1871 APR 17 Huta Komorowska of Karolina Ziółkowska
naming of Syputa Mary [parents: Jan, Katarzyna]
rectification 2009 SEP 7 of birth 1871 APR 17 Huta Komorowska of Karolina Ziółkowska
residence ..... »» 1936 of (Majdan Królewski, Skrzypczak Antoni)
residence until death of Anna Warchoł
Links to the record
Stefania Kopeć née Skrzypczak
birth 1896 APR 1 Huta Komorowska of Albert Kopec
(…rok narodzin…)
birth 1875 NOV 28 Parish in Majdan Krolewski of Anna Gurdak
(…dzień narodzin…)
birth 1854 OCT 20 of Ewa Kopeć
(…dzień narodzin…)
birth 1887 MAY 18 of Wojciech Kopeć
(…dzień narodzin…)
birth 1890 JAN 25 Huta Komorowska of Franciszek Kopeć
(…dzień narodzin…)
birth 1892 MAR 5 Huta Komorowska of Karolina Kopeć
(…dzień narodzin…)
death 1889 APR 8 Huta Komorowska of Anna Kopeć [parents: Wawrzyniec, Ewa]
(…dzień śmierci…)
rectification 2005 NOV 1 of Edward Wilk
rectification 2005 NOV 1 of birth 1896 APR 1 Huta Komorowska of Albert Kopec
rectification 2005 NOV 1 of Mary Syputa
rectification 2006 FEB 22 of birth 1878 FEB 21 of Peter Zulkowski
rectification 2005 NOV 1 of marriage 1895 FEB 13 Huta Komorowska of (husband: Jan Kopeć, wife: Franciszka Lewicka)
Last changes: 5 FEB 2012
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