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Colorado Civilian Conservation Corps Statewide Enrollment Index

type of eventcitation
date of citation on Saturday, the 28th of March 2009
14 years, 10 months and 29 days ago (as of 26 FEB 2024)
source institutionColorado State Archives
cited byMaciej Róg
where — at the time of citation: colorado[.]gov/dpa/doit/archives/ccc/state_Williams-Zwetzig.htm, colorado[.]gov/dpa/doit/archives/ccc/state_Swift-Trujillo.htm
Colorado Civilian Conservation Corps Statewide Enrollment Index
NameCounty of ResidenceBirth DateCamp
Syputa, RaymondFremont7/28/21F-59-C
Syputa, RaymondFremont7/28/21SCS-2-C
Ziolkowski, EdwardFremont1/5/19SCS-8-C
Ziolkowski, WilliamFremont4/30/17F-24-C
Ziolkowski, WilliamFremont4/30/17F-53-C
Ziolkowski, WilliamFremontca1916SCS-6-C
Zulkowski, AdamFremont12/28/19F-24-C
Zulkowski, JohnFremont12/20/19F-64-C

CCC camp designations were as follows:
F = U.S. Forest Service
SCS = Soil Conservation Service (Private Land)
(in Polish)
U.S. Forest Service = Służba Leśna USA
Soil Conservation Service = Służba Ochrony Gleby USA
to whom or to what is related to



  • {#1} U.S. Forest Service = Służba Leśna USA
    Soil Conservation Service = Służba Ochrony Gleby USA
Identifier: MR04175
Last changes: 25 FEB 2024
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