type of event | christening |
the date | on Tuesday, the 20th of February 1787 234 years, 4 months and 28 days ago (as of 18 JUL 2021) |
site | Praszka, POL‑OP kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Praszce Europe, Poland, województwo opolskie, powiat oleski, gmina Praszka, Praszka |
obtainer of christening | Maciej ‘Cytera’ Bakalarczyk [parents: Antoni, Wiktoria]
(less than a year; see also birth) |
godmother | Katarzyna Korzeniowska |
the celebrant | ks. Feliks Wojakowski |
godparents | Wojciech Kossowiec, Katarzyna Korzeniowska |