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birth of Tomasz Kukulski

type of eventbirth
the date
on Saturday, the 16th of November 1844  on 1 PM (UTC+1)
176 years, 8 months and 1 day ago (as of 18 JUL 2021)
siteBugaj przy Praszce, POL‑OP
Europe, Poland, województwo opolskie, powiat oleski, gmina Praszka, Praszka, Bugaj przy Praszce
childTomasz Kukulski
fatherPiotr Kukulski [parents: Feliks, Anna]
(32 years, 1 month and 4 days; see also marriage – 5 years and 20 days before)
motherJózefa Plewa by marriage Kukulska
(23 years and 8 months)
Identifier: MR07684-B
Last changes: 14 MAY 2011
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