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Jacob Syputa’s Billion Graves Record

type of eventcitation
date of citation on Sunday, the 15th of June 2014
9 years, 8 months and 11 days ago (as of 26 FEB 2024)
sourceBillion Graves
cited byMaciej Róg
Jacob Syputa’s Grave (MR11717-P) [MR11717-P] Jacob Syputa
Urodziny: 1871
Zgon: 1935
Cmentarz: Union Highland Cemetery
Florence, Colorado, United States
Lat: 38.368046
Lon: -105.11456
carter4of5, September 14, 2013
what is related to

Jacob Syputa’s Grave (MR11717-P)
Identifier: MR11717
Last changes: 15 JUN 2014
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