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birth of Marianna Krzemińska

type of eventbirth
the datein 1774
250 years ago (as of 1 JAN 2024)
siteKowale, now POL‑OP
Europe, Poland, województwo opolskie, powiat oleski, gmina Praszka, Kowale
childMarianna Krzemińska
(see also christening)
fatherFilip Krzemiński
(29 years; see also marriage)
died 15 years after the eventon the 29th of April 1789
motherEwa Owczarek by marriage Krzemińska [husband: Filip]
died 34 years after the event (1808)
clerk registering birthks. Jan Nepomucen Przysiecki
Identifier: MR12407-B
Last changes: 17 APR 2017
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