type of event | marriage |
the date | in 1819 205 years ago (as of 26 FEB 2024) |
site | Lututów, now POL‑LD kościół św. ap. Piotra i Pawła w Lututowie Europe, Poland, województwo łódzkie, powiat wieruszowski, gmina Lututów, Lututów |
husband: | Szymon Cieślak (≈1794 Biskupice – ?)
(25 years; see also marriage of parents◄◄◄◄)
wife: | Joanna Dobek by marriage Cieślak [husband: Szymon] |
children of marriage (1) | Marianna (1821 Pustkowie Świątkowskie – 1904 Wiry) ►►•• |