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birth of Antoni Kukulski

type of eventbirth
the datein 1795
229 years ago (as of 26 FEB 2024)
sitePraszka, now POL‑OP
Parish of Theotokos and the Queen of Poland in Praszka
Roman Catholic Church in Poland, metropolia częstochowska, archidiecezja częstochowska, region wieluński, Praszka deanery, Parish of Theotokos and the Queen of Poland in Praszka
childAntoni Kukulski
fatherMarcin Kukuł
(37 years; see also marriage – 15 years before)
died 13 years after the eventon the 10th of July 1808
motherEwa Kokot by marriage Kukuł [husband: Marcin]
(32 years)
died 20 years after the event (1815)
Identifier: MR15055-B
Last changes: 3 MAY 2021
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