type of event | christening |
the date | on Friday, the 6th of June 1845 178 years, 6 months and 26 days ago (as of 1 JAN 2024) |
site | Rzochów, now POL‑PK kościół św. Marka Ewangelisty w Mielcu-Rzochowie Europe, Poland, województwo podkarpackie, powiat mielecki, Mielec, Rzochów |
obtainer of christening | Rozalia Róg [parents: Jan, Maria]
(less than a day; see also birth) |
godmother | Elżbieta Wierzbicka née Róg [parents: Jakub, Rozalia]
(28 years)
cœlebs [panna] |
the celebrant | ks. Józef Możdżeniowski
(41 years, 5 months and 3 days) |
godparents | Józef Wydro, Elżbieta Róg |