paternal grandfather:
paternal grandmother:
maternal grandfather:
maternal grandmother:
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ks. Józef Możdżeniowski † |
Józef was born on Tuesday, the 3rd of January 1804
and he died on Wednesday, the 1st of March 1871 in Rzochów, now POL‑PK
buried on Saturday, the 4th of March 1871 in cmentarz parafialny w Mielcu-Rzochowie, Rzochów, now POL‑PK He lived 67 years and 1 month; was born 219 years and 11 months ago, died 152 years ago (as of 1 JAN 2024) from 1837 to 1871 proboszcz (Parish in Rzochów-Mielec) dziekan (dekanat Mielec Południe) |