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Korekty do Genealogii Praszkowskiej 2017
type of event
{private} [parents: Jan Szymanek, Helena]
Maciej Róg
to whom or to what is related to
Helena Szymanek née Janik
Henryk Janik
Katarzyna Jędrzejaczyk
Jan Szymanek
Barbara Janik
marriage 1927 JAN 17 Praszka of (husband: Wojciech Janik, wife: Władysława Jędrzejaczyk)
burial of (Janik Władysława, cmentarz parafii rzymskokatolickiej pw. św. Walentego w Konopiskach, Konopiska)
birth 1925 SEP 1 Seelow of Helena Janik
death 2006 DEC 10 Bielsko-Biała of Helena Szymanek
burial 2006 DEC 12 of (Helena Szymanek, cmentarz parafii rzymskokatolickiej pw. św. Walentego w Konopiskach, Konopiska)
marriage 1946 NOV 26 Konopiska of (husband: Jan Szymanek, wife: Helena Janik)
birth of Janik Henryk
death of Janik Henryk
marriage of (husband: Janik Henryk, wife: {private})
death 1987 AUG 24 Częstochowa of Wojciech Janik
burial of (Janik Wojciech, cmentarz parafii rzymskokatolickiej pw. św. Walentego w Konopiskach, Konopiska)
birth 1902 NOV 23 Строец of Katarzyna Jędrzejaczyk
death 1903 AUG 5 Строец of Katarzyna Jędrzejaczyk
birth 1921 JUN 19 Wygoda of Jan Szymanek
death 2005 OCT 21 Blachownia of Jan Szymanek
burial of (Szymanek Jan, cmentarz parafii rzymskokatolickiej pw. św. Walentego w Konopiskach, Konopiska)
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
residence current of {private} [parents: Jan Szymanek, Helena] {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
residence of {private} [parents: Jan Szymanek, Helena]
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
residence of {private} [parents: Jan Szymanek, Helena]
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
residence current of {private}
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
birth of {private}
residence of {private} [MR02624]
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
residence of {private} [MR02625]
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
residence of {private} [MR02626]
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
residence current of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
birth of {private}
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
rectification 2023 APR 10 of death 1987 AUG 24 Częstochowa of Wojciech Janik
rectification 2023 APR 10 of birth of {private}
birth of {private}
rectification 2023 APR 10 of birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth 1967 SEP 29 Częstochowa of Barbara Janik
death 1967 SEP 29 Częstochowa of Barbara Janik
burial of (Janik Barbara, cmentarz parafii rzymskokatolickiej pw. św. Teresy w Częstochowie-Dźbowie, Dźbów)
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
burial of Janik Henryk
residence current of {private}
residence current of {private}
Links to the record
marriage 1927 JAN 17 Praszka of (husband: Wojciech Janik, wife: Władysława Jędrzejaczyk)
birth 1925 SEP 1 Seelow of Helena Janik
death 2006 DEC 10 Bielsko-Biała of Helena Szymanek
birth 1921 JUN 19 Wygoda of Jan Szymanek
death 2005 OCT 21 Blachownia of Jan Szymanek
Last changes: 10 APR 2023
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