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1935 Syputa Jacob or John?

The Union Highland of Florence, CO, cemetery record 3934 has been attached to Jacob Syputa’s FindAGrave. It describes death of some John (sic!) Syputa. Is it Jan Szypula, brother of Jacob Syputa, or Jacob indeed, as it was attached? The year (1871), month and town of birth (Majdan), the death year (1935), the town of last residence (Rockvale) are correct to Jacob. However, the forename (JacobJohn), the day of birth (1725), the immigration year (19071906) directly to Rockvale (real Jacob immigrated 1898 to Brooklyn NY, back in 1907 to Wilkes-Barre PA, at least since 1910 he had lived in Rockvale CO) are incorrect for Jacob.
John Syputa, described in the document, was born on 25 Jul 1871 in Mayden in Poland, died on 17 Dec 1935. He immigrated “directly to Rockvale” in 1906. The children and the widowed wife (Mary) are listed correctly for Jacob.
The list of burials in the cemetery mentions for surnames starting with letter S two separate burials: one of Jacob Syputa in 1935 No 25, another of John Syputa on 20 Dec 1935 No 3934
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Identifier: MR16586-N
Last changes: 25 FEB 2024
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