total number of events
- Europe (total number of events there: 21, including born 4, married 3, died 3, buried 6, residing now or in the past 5)
- Poland (total number of events there: 20, including born 3, married 3, died 3, buried 6, residing now or in the past 5)
- województwo opolskie (total number of events there: 15, including born 3, married 3, died 2, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3)
- powiat oleski (total number of events there: 15, including born 3, married 3, died 2, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3)
- gmina Praszka (total number of events there: 13, including born 3, married 2, died 1, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3)
- Praszka (total number of events there: 6, including married 2, buried 4)
- województwo mazowieckie (total number of events there: 5, including died 1, buried 2, residing now or in the past 2)
- Warsaw (total number of events there: 5, including died 1, buried 2, residing now or in the past 2)
- Strojec (total number of events there: 4, including born 1, died 1, residing now or in the past 2)
- Wygiełdów (total number of events there: 3, including born 2, residing now or in the past 1)
- @:Paruszowice@@Baumgarten@ (total number of events there: 2, including residing now or in the past 2)
- Podole (total number of events there: 1, including born 1)
- Olesno (total number of events there: 1, including died 1)
- Gorzów Śląski (total number of events there: 1, including married 1)
- gmina Olesno (total number of events there: 1, including died 1)
- gmina Gorzów Śląski (total number of events there: 1, including married 1)
number of births
- Europe (born 4)
- województwo opolskie (born 3)
- powiat oleski (born 3)
- Poland (born 3)
- gmina Praszka (born 3)
- Wygiełdów (born 2)
- Strojec (born 1)
- Podole (born 1)
number of marriages
- województwo opolskie (married 3)
- powiat oleski (married 3)
- Poland (married 3)
- Europe (married 3)
- Praszka (married 2)
- gmina Praszka (married 2)
- Gorzów Śląski (married 1)
- gmina Gorzów Śląski (married 1)
number of deaths
- Poland (died 3)
- Europe (died 3)
- województwo opolskie (died 2)
- powiat oleski (died 2)
- województwo mazowieckie (died 1)
- Warsaw (died 1)
- Strojec (died 1)
- Olesno (died 1)
- gmina Praszka (died 1)
- gmina Olesno (died 1)
number of burials
- Poland (buried 6)
- Europe (buried 6)
- województwo opolskie (buried 4)
- Praszka (buried 4)
- powiat oleski (buried 4)
- gmina Praszka (buried 4)
- województwo mazowieckie (buried 2)
- Warsaw (buried 2)
number of residents ever
- Poland (residing now or in the past 5)
- Europe (residing now or in the past 5)
- województwo opolskie (residing now or in the past 3)
- powiat oleski (residing now or in the past 3)
- gmina Praszka (residing now or in the past 3)
- województwo mazowieckie (residing now or in the past 2)
- Warsaw (residing now or in the past 2)
- Strojec (residing now or in the past 2)
- @:Paruszowice@@Baumgarten@ (residing now or in the past 2)
- Wygiełdów (residing now or in the past 1)
Total number of events there: 21, including born 4, married 3, died 3, buried 6, residing now or in the past 5.
Born (4):
Weronika Kalinowska,
Krystyna Pietras,
Tadeusz Pietras,
Władysława OstrowskaMarried (3):
Józef Pietras and
Weronika Kalinowska,
Antoni Pietras and
Stanisława Kulińska,
Tadeusz Pietras and
Władysława OstrowskaDied (3):
Weronika Pietras,
Krystyna Pychyńska,
Tadeusz PietrasBuried (6):
Urszula Bąk,
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna Pychyńska,
Tadeusz Pietras,
Władysława PietrasResiding now or in the past (5):
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna Pychyńska,
Tadeusz Pietras,
Władysława PietrasTotal number of events there: 20, including born 3, married 3, died 3, buried 6, residing now or in the past 5.
Born (3):
Weronika Kalinowska,
Krystyna Pietras,
Tadeusz PietrasMarried (3):
Józef Pietras and
Weronika Kalinowska,
Antoni Pietras and
Stanisława Kulińska,
Tadeusz Pietras and
Władysława OstrowskaDied (3):
Weronika Pietras,
Krystyna Pychyńska,
Tadeusz PietrasBuried (6):
Urszula Bąk,
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna Pychyńska,
Tadeusz Pietras,
Władysława PietrasResiding now or in the past (5):
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna Pychyńska,
Tadeusz Pietras,
Władysława PietrasTotal number of events there: 15, including born 3, married 3, died 2, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3.
Born (3):
Weronika Kalinowska,
Krystyna Pietras,
Tadeusz PietrasMarried (3):
Józef Pietras and
Weronika Kalinowska,
Antoni Pietras and
Stanisława Kulińska,
Tadeusz Pietras and
Władysława OstrowskaDied (2):
Weronika Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaBuried (4):
Urszula Bąk,
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaResiding now or in the past (3):
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaTotal number of events there: 15, including born 3, married 3, died 2, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3.
Born (3):
Weronika Kalinowska,
Krystyna Pietras,
Tadeusz PietrasMarried (3):
Józef Pietras and
Weronika Kalinowska,
Antoni Pietras and
Stanisława Kulińska,
Tadeusz Pietras and
Władysława OstrowskaDied (2):
Weronika Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaBuried (4):
Urszula Bąk,
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaResiding now or in the past (3):
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaTotal number of events there: 13, including born 3, married 2, died 1, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3.
Born (3):
Weronika Kalinowska,
Krystyna Pietras,
Tadeusz PietrasMarried (2):
Józef Pietras and
Weronika Kalinowska,
Antoni Pietras and
Stanisława KulińskaDied (1):
Weronika PietrasBuried (4):
Urszula Bąk,
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaResiding now or in the past (3):
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaTotal number of events there: 6, including married 2, buried 4.
Married (2):
Józef Pietras and
Weronika Kalinowska,
Antoni Pietras and
Stanisława KulińskaBuried (4):
Urszula Bąk,
Weronika Pietras,
Józef Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaTotal number of events there: 5, including died 1, buried 2, residing now or in the past 2.
Died (1):
Tadeusz PietrasBuried (2):
Tadeusz Pietras,
Władysława PietrasResiding now or in the past (2):
Tadeusz Pietras,
Władysława PietrasTotal number of events there: 5, including died 1, buried 2, residing now or in the past 2.
Died (1):
Tadeusz PietrasBuried (2):
Tadeusz Pietras,
Władysława PietrasResiding now or in the past (2):
Tadeusz Pietras,
Władysława PietrasTotal number of events there: 4, including born 1, died 1, residing now or in the past 2.
Born (1):
Weronika KalinowskaDied (1):
Weronika PietrasResiding now or in the past (2):
Weronika Pietras,
Krystyna PychyńskaTotal number of events there: 3, including born 2, residing now or in the past 1.
Born (2):
Krystyna Pietras,
Tadeusz PietrasResiding now or in the past (1):
Józef Pietras@:Paruszowice@@Baumgarten@ (2)
Total number of events there: 2, including residing now or in the past 2.
Residing now or in the past (2):
Adam Chrząszcz,
Adam WięciarzTotal number of events there: 1, including born 1.
Born (1):
Władysława OstrowskaTotal number of events there: 1, including died 1.
Died (1):
Krystyna PychyńskaTotal number of events there: 1, including married 1.
Married (1):
Tadeusz Pietras and
Władysława OstrowskaTotal number of events there: 1, including died 1.
Died (1):
Krystyna PychyńskaTotal number of events there: 1, including married 1.
Married (1):
Tadeusz Pietras and
Władysława Ostrowska@:Paruszowice@@Baumgarten@ (2)