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Popular sites (Pietras)

total number of events

  1. Europe (total number of events there: 21, including born 4, married 3, died 3, buried 6, residing now or in the past 5)
  2. Poland (total number of events there: 20, including born 3, married 3, died 3, buried 6, residing now or in the past 5)
  3. województwo opolskie (total number of events there: 15, including born 3, married 3, died 2, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3)
  4. powiat oleski (total number of events there: 15, including born 3, married 3, died 2, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3)
  5. gmina Praszka (total number of events there: 13, including born 3, married 2, died 1, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3)
  6. Praszka (total number of events there: 6, including married 2, buried 4)
  7. województwo mazowieckie (total number of events there: 5, including died 1, buried 2, residing now or in the past 2)
  8. Warsaw (total number of events there: 5, including died 1, buried 2, residing now or in the past 2)
  9. Strojec (total number of events there: 4, including born 1, died 1, residing now or in the past 2)
  10. Wygiełdów (total number of events there: 3, including born 2, residing now or in the past 1)
  11. @:Paruszowice@@Baumgarten@ (total number of events there: 2, including residing now or in the past 2)
  12. Podole (total number of events there: 1, including born 1)
  13. Olesno (total number of events there: 1, including died 1)
  14. Gorzów Śląski (total number of events there: 1, including married 1)
  15. gmina Olesno (total number of events there: 1, including died 1)
  16. gmina Gorzów Śląski (total number of events there: 1, including married 1)

number of births

  1. Europe (born 4)
  2. województwo opolskie (born 3)
  3. powiat oleski (born 3)
  4. Poland (born 3)
  5. gmina Praszka (born 3)
  6. Wygiełdów (born 2)
  7. Strojec (born 1)
  8. Podole (born 1)

number of marriages

  1. województwo opolskie (married 3)
  2. powiat oleski (married 3)
  3. Poland (married 3)
  4. Europe (married 3)
  5. Praszka (married 2)
  6. gmina Praszka (married 2)
  7. Gorzów Śląski (married 1)
  8. gmina Gorzów Śląski (married 1)

number of deaths

  1. Poland (died 3)
  2. Europe (died 3)
  3. województwo opolskie (died 2)
  4. powiat oleski (died 2)
  5. województwo mazowieckie (died 1)
  6. Warsaw (died 1)
  7. Strojec (died 1)
  8. Olesno (died 1)
  9. gmina Praszka (died 1)
  10. gmina Olesno (died 1)

number of burials

  1. Poland (buried 6)
  2. Europe (buried 6)
  3. województwo opolskie (buried 4)
  4. Praszka (buried 4)
  5. powiat oleski (buried 4)
  6. gmina Praszka (buried 4)
  7. województwo mazowieckie (buried 2)
  8. Warsaw (buried 2)

number of residents ever

  1. Poland (residing now or in the past 5)
  2. Europe (residing now or in the past 5)
  3. województwo opolskie (residing now or in the past 3)
  4. powiat oleski (residing now or in the past 3)
  5. gmina Praszka (residing now or in the past 3)
  6. województwo mazowieckie (residing now or in the past 2)
  7. Warsaw (residing now or in the past 2)
  8. Strojec (residing now or in the past 2)
  9. @:Paruszowice@@Baumgarten@ (residing now or in the past 2)
  10. Wygiełdów (residing now or in the past 1)

Europe (21)

Total number of events there: 21, including born 4, married 3, died 3, buried 6, residing now or in the past 5.
Born (4): Weronika Kalinowska, Krystyna Pietras, Tadeusz Pietras, Władysława Ostrowska
Married (3): Józef Pietras and Weronika Kalinowska, Antoni Pietras and Stanisława Kulińska, Tadeusz Pietras and Władysława Ostrowska
Died (3): Weronika Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska, Tadeusz Pietras
Buried (6): Urszula Bąk, Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska, Tadeusz Pietras, Władysława Pietras
Residing now or in the past (5): Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska, Tadeusz Pietras, Władysława Pietras

Poland (20)

Total number of events there: 20, including born 3, married 3, died 3, buried 6, residing now or in the past 5.
Born (3): Weronika Kalinowska, Krystyna Pietras, Tadeusz Pietras
Married (3): Józef Pietras and Weronika Kalinowska, Antoni Pietras and Stanisława Kulińska, Tadeusz Pietras and Władysława Ostrowska
Died (3): Weronika Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska, Tadeusz Pietras
Buried (6): Urszula Bąk, Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska, Tadeusz Pietras, Władysława Pietras
Residing now or in the past (5): Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska, Tadeusz Pietras, Władysława Pietras

województwo opolskie, now POL (15)

Total number of events there: 15, including born 3, married 3, died 2, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3.
Born (3): Weronika Kalinowska, Krystyna Pietras, Tadeusz Pietras
Married (3): Józef Pietras and Weronika Kalinowska, Antoni Pietras and Stanisława Kulińska, Tadeusz Pietras and Władysława Ostrowska
Died (2): Weronika Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska
Buried (4): Urszula Bąk, Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska
Residing now or in the past (3): Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska

powiat oleski, now POL‑OP (15)

Total number of events there: 15, including born 3, married 3, died 2, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3.
Born (3): Weronika Kalinowska, Krystyna Pietras, Tadeusz Pietras
Married (3): Józef Pietras and Weronika Kalinowska, Antoni Pietras and Stanisława Kulińska, Tadeusz Pietras and Władysława Ostrowska
Died (2): Weronika Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska
Buried (4): Urszula Bąk, Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska
Residing now or in the past (3): Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska

gmina Praszka, now POL‑OP (13)

Total number of events there: 13, including born 3, married 2, died 1, buried 4, residing now or in the past 3.
Born (3): Weronika Kalinowska, Krystyna Pietras, Tadeusz Pietras
Married (2): Józef Pietras and Weronika Kalinowska, Antoni Pietras and Stanisława Kulińska
Died (1): Weronika Pietras
Buried (4): Urszula Bąk, Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska
Residing now or in the past (3): Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska

Praszka, now POL‑OP (6)

Total number of events there: 6, including married 2, buried 4.
Married (2): Józef Pietras and Weronika Kalinowska, Antoni Pietras and Stanisława Kulińska
Buried (4): Urszula Bąk, Weronika Pietras, Józef Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska

województwo mazowieckie, now POL (5)

Total number of events there: 5, including died 1, buried 2, residing now or in the past 2.
Died (1): Tadeusz Pietras
Buried (2): Tadeusz Pietras, Władysława Pietras
Residing now or in the past (2): Tadeusz Pietras, Władysława Pietras

Warsaw, now POL‑MZ (5)

Total number of events there: 5, including died 1, buried 2, residing now or in the past 2.
Died (1): Tadeusz Pietras
Buried (2): Tadeusz Pietras, Władysława Pietras
Residing now or in the past (2): Tadeusz Pietras, Władysława Pietras

Strojec, now POL‑OP (4)

Total number of events there: 4, including born 1, died 1, residing now or in the past 2.
Born (1): Weronika Kalinowska
Died (1): Weronika Pietras
Residing now or in the past (2): Weronika Pietras, Krystyna Pychyńska

Wygiełdów, now POL‑OP (3)

Total number of events there: 3, including born 2, residing now or in the past 1.
Born (2): Krystyna Pietras, Tadeusz Pietras
Residing now or in the past (1): Józef Pietras

@:Paruszowice@@Baumgarten@ (2)

Total number of events there: 2, including residing now or in the past 2.
Residing now or in the past (2): Adam Chrząszcz, Adam Więciarz

Podole (1)

Total number of events there: 1, including born 1.
Born (1): Władysława Ostrowska

Olesno, now POL‑OP (1)

Total number of events there: 1, including died 1.
Died (1): Krystyna Pychyńska

Gorzów Śląski, now POL‑OP (1)

Total number of events there: 1, including married 1.
Married (1): Tadeusz Pietras and Władysława Ostrowska

gmina Olesno, now POL‑OP (1)

Total number of events there: 1, including died 1.
Died (1): Krystyna Pychyńska

gmina Gorzów Śląski, now POL‑OP (1)

Total number of events there: 1, including married 1.
Married (1): Tadeusz Pietras and Władysława Ostrowska

Europe (21)

województwo opolskie, now POL (15)

powiat oleski, now POL‑OP (15)

Poland (20)

gmina Praszka, now POL‑OP (13)

Wygiełdów, now POL‑OP (3)

Strojec, now POL‑OP (4)

Podole (1)

województwo opolskie, now POL (15)

powiat oleski, now POL‑OP (15)

Poland (20)

Europe (21)

Praszka, now POL‑OP (6)

gmina Praszka, now POL‑OP (13)

Gorzów Śląski, now POL‑OP (1)

gmina Gorzów Śląski, now POL‑OP (1)

Poland (20)

Europe (21)

województwo opolskie, now POL (15)

powiat oleski, now POL‑OP (15)

województwo mazowieckie, now POL (5)

Warsaw, now POL‑MZ (5)

Strojec, now POL‑OP (4)

Olesno, now POL‑OP (1)

gmina Praszka, now POL‑OP (13)

gmina Olesno, now POL‑OP (1)

Poland (20)

Europe (21)

województwo opolskie, now POL (15)

Praszka, now POL‑OP (6)

powiat oleski, now POL‑OP (15)

gmina Praszka, now POL‑OP (13)

województwo mazowieckie, now POL (5)

Warsaw, now POL‑MZ (5)

Poland (20)

Europe (21)

województwo opolskie, now POL (15)

powiat oleski, now POL‑OP (15)

gmina Praszka, now POL‑OP (13)

województwo mazowieckie, now POL (5)

Warsaw, now POL‑MZ (5)

Strojec, now POL‑OP (4)

@:Paruszowice@@Baumgarten@ (2)

Wygiełdów, now POL‑OP (3)

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