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Family generations statistics (Tomczyk)

Family line Tomczyk (100% individuals)

Whole figure of people40 descendants — the number does not include 21 individuals who joined the family through a marriage (all relatives are 61 individuals). The values may not include some data that are hidden due to privacy policy.
Males therein20 (50%)
Females therein20 (50%)
Number of the alives17 (43%)
Number of the deads23 (57%)
Average age of deads44 years
The first birthabt. 1825 (Marianna Kozdęba)
The last birth1982 (Maciej Róg)
Births spread157 years
The first death12 FEB 1893 (Jan Kozdęba)
The last death9 MAR 1997 (Stanisław Róg)
Deaths spread104 years

the 1st generation – children (3% individuals)

Whole figure of people1
Females therein1
Number of the deads1
The first birthabt. 1825 (Marianna Kozdęba)
The last death13 JUL 1896 (Marianna Kozdęba)

the 2nd generation – grandchildren (10% individuals)

Whole figure of people4
Males therein3
Females therein1 »» Jadwiga Pyryt
Number of the deads4
The first birth22 JUL 1855 (Józef Kozdęba)
The last death˂ 1936 (Jadwiga Pyryt)

the 3rd generation – great‑grandchildren (33% individuals)

Whole figure of people13
Males therein7 (54%)
Females therein6 (46%)
Number of the deads13
Average age of deads42 years
The first birthabt. 1885 (Jan Kozdęba)
The last birth10 JUN 1906 (Adam Piryt)
Births spread21 years
The first death12 FEB 1893 (Jan Kozdęba)
The last death27 DEC 1963 (Maria Bindyk)
Deaths spread70 years

the 4th generation – great×2‑grandchildren (5% individuals)

Whole figure of people2
Females therein2
Number of the deads2
Average age of deads31 years
The first birth24 APR 1908 (Emilia Bindyk)
The last birth20 SEP 1922 (Zofia Róg)
Births spread14 years and 4 months
The first death4 JAN 1910 (Emilia Bindyk)
The last death24 JUN 1984 (Zofia Róg)
Deaths spread74 years

the 5th generation – great×3‑grandchildren (13% individuals)

Whole figure of people5
Males therein3 (60%)
Females therein2 (40%)
Number of the alives3 (60%)
Number of the deads2 (40%)
The first birth24 APR 1941 (Stanisław Róg)
The last death9 MAR 1997 (Stanisław Róg)

the 6th generation – great×4‑grandchildren (23% individuals)

Whole figure of people9
Males therein4 (44%)
Females therein5 (56%)
Number of the alives8
Number of the deads1
The first birth1982 (Maciej Róg)

the 7th generation – great×5‑grandchildren (15% individuals)

Whole figure of people6
Males therein3 (50%)
Females therein3 (50%)
Number of the alives6
Generated by JSFamilia