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Equal name (Wdowiak)

3   2

Sophie Doviak (3)

Sophie D. Caltagirone née Doviak (1914-1997), parents: Andrew and Caroline, husband: James [MR03440]
Sophie Doviak (1882-?), husband: Julius [MR03470]
Sophie E. Hover née Doviak (1924-2018), parents: Conrad and Rose, husband: John [MR05315]

Joseph Doviak (3)

Joseph Doviak (1910-1982), parents: Andrew and Caroline, wife: Johanna [MR03437]
Józef Wdowiak, wife: Ewa [MR03459]
Joseph Doviak (1917-2004), parents: Conrad and Rose [MR05313]

John Doviak (3)

John Doviak (1909-1984), parents: Andrew and Caroline [MR03436]
John Doviak (1891-?), parents: Józef and Ewa, wife: Nell [MR03461]
John Frank Doviak (1915-2000), parents: Conrad and Rose, wife: Bertha [MR05312]

Tadeus Doviak (2)

Tadeus Doviak Jr, father: Tadeus [MR03463]
Tadeus Doviak (1917-1944), parents: John and Nell [MR03464]

Joseph Drzal (2)

Joseph Drzal Sr. (1912-2002), wife: Jennie [MR03445]
Joseph Drzal Jr. (?-2004), parents: Joseph and Jennie [MR04367]

John Stefanco (2)

John J. Stefanco (1910-1987), wife: Emily [MR03439]
John Stefanco Jr., parents: John and Emily [MR03475]
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