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Family generations statistics (Zagrodnik)

Family line Zagrodnik (100% individuals)

Whole figure of people532 descendants — the number does not include 254 individuals who joined the family through a marriage (all relatives are 786 individuals). The values may not include some data that are hidden due to privacy policy.
Males therein269 (51%)
Females therein255 (48%)
Therein unknown sex8
Number of the alives357 (67%)
Number of the deads174 (33%)
Number of the people which we do not know whether they live1
Average age of deads45 years
The first birth26 JAN 1775 (Paweł Zagrodnik)
The last birth1982 (Maciej Róg)
Births spread207 years
The first death17 AUG 1813 (Zuzanna Janiszewska)
The last death24 JUN 2017 (Tadeusz Pietras)
Deaths spread203 years

the 1st generation – children (1% individuals)

Whole figure of people3
Males therein1 »» Paweł Zagrodnik
Females therein2
Number of the deads3
Average age of deads55 years
The first birth26 JAN 1775 (Paweł Zagrodnik)
The last birth25 DEC 1782 (Anastazja Zagrodnik)
Births spread7 years and 10 months
The first death17 AUG 1813 (Zuzanna Janiszewska)
The last death13 MAR 1850 (Paweł Zagrodnik)
Deaths spread36 years

the 2nd generation – grandchildren (2% individuals)

Whole figure of people11
Males therein6 (55%)
Females therein5 (45%)
Number of the deads11
Average age of deads36 years
The first birthabt. 1799 (Wincenty Zagrodnik)
The last birth1831 (Franciszka Zagrodnik)
Births spread32 years
The first death27 SEP 1813 (Jakub Janiszewski)
The last death30 MAY 1866 (Wojciech Zagrodnik)
Deaths spread52 years

the 3rd generation – great‑grandchildren (6% individuals)

Whole figure of people30
Males therein14 (47%)
Females therein16 (53%)
Number of the deads30
Average age of deads18 years
The first birth18 NOV 1826 (Marcin Kalinowski)
The last birth14 APR 1852 (Konstancja Zagrodnik)
Births spread25 years and 4 months
The first death21 DEC 1832 (Karolina Maryniak)
The last death13 APR 1912 (Michał Kalinowski)
Deaths spread79 years

the 4th generation – great×2‑grandchildren (5% individuals)

Whole figure of people25
Males therein15 (60%)
Females therein10 (40%)
Number of the deads25
Average age of deads28 years
The first birth19 JAN 1850 (Wincenty Kalinowski)
The last birth1889 (Agnieszka Konfederak)
Births spread39 years
The first death13 MAY 1850 (Wincenty Kalinowski)
The last death17 MAR 1970 (Agnieszka Konfederak)
Deaths spread119 years

the 5th generation – great×3‑grandchildren (6% individuals)

Whole figure of people31
Males therein16 (52%)
Females therein15 (48%)
Number of the deads31
Average age of deads67 years
The first birth13 DEC 1887 (Tomasz Zagrodnik)
The last birth16 NOV 1915 (Stanisław Kalinowski)
Births spread27 years and 11 months
The first death28 SEP 1898 (Michalina Kalinowska)
The last death27 JAN 1991 (Władysława Grzebiela)
Deaths spread92 years

the 6th generation – great×4‑grandchildren (11% individuals)

Whole figure of people59
Males therein34 (58%)
Females therein25 (42%)
Number of the alives13 (22%)
Number of the deads45 (76%)
Number of the people which we do not know whether they live1
Average age of deads58 years
The first birth22 MAY 1910 (Helena Jama)
The last birth30 AUG 1948 (Maria Kowalska)
Births spread38 years and 3 months
The first death1940 ÷ 1950 (Zofia Sałata)
The last death24 JUN 2017 (Tadeusz Pietras)
Deaths spread77 years

the 7th generation – great×5‑grandchildren (26% individuals)

Whole figure of people136
Males therein67 (49%)
Females therein67 (49%)
Therein unknown sex2
Number of the alives116 (85%)
Number of the deads20 (15%)
Average age of deads21 years
The first birth1944 (Stefan Zagrodnik)
The last birth1982 (Maciej Róg)
Births spread38 years
The first death1944 (Stefan Zagrodnik)
The last death24 MAY 1982 (Wanda Plewa)
Deaths spread38 years

the 8th generation – great×6‑grandchildren (34% individuals)

Whole figure of people180
Males therein80 (44%)
Females therein94 (52%)
Therein unknown sex6
Number of the alives173 (96%)
Number of the deads7 (4%)
The first death2 APR 1980 (Piotr ███)
The last death27 JUN 2016 (Rafał Rasztar)
Deaths spread36 years

the 9th generation – great×7‑grandchildren (11% individuals)

Whole figure of people56
Males therein35 (63%)
Females therein21 (38%)
Number of the alives54 (96%)
Number of the deads2 (4%)
The first death19 JUN 2004 (Michał Zagrodnik)
The last death8 DEC 2004 (Wiktor Węgierski)
Deaths spread5 months

the 10th generation – great×8‑grandchildren (0% individuals)

Whole figure of people1
Males therein1
Number of the alives1 »» {private}
Generated by JSFamilia