Zofia Róg née Wilk was | 18 years | old when she bore a son (Stanisław Róg) |
Mary Wilk née Radek was | 22 years | old when she bore a son (John A. Wilk) |
Maria Róg née Wilk was | 23 years | old when she bore a daughter (Karolina Róg) |
Caroline Doviak née Wilk was | 23 years | old when she bore a son (John Doviak) |
Michael John Wilk was | 23 years | old when a son was born to him (John A. Wilk) |
Mary Wilk née Radek was | 24 years | old when she bore a son (Stanley J. Wilk) |
Frances Ressetar née Doviak was | 24 years | old when she bore a son (James Michael Ressetar) |
Caroline Doviak née Wilk was | 24 years | old when she bore a son (Joseph Doviak) |
Michael John Wilk was | 25 years | old when a son was born to him (Stanley J. Wilk) |
Maria Róg née Wilk was | 25 years | old when she bore a son (Jan Róg) |
Agnieszka Wilk née Wilk was | 26 years | old when she bore a daughter (Caroline Doviak née Wilk) |
Jan Róg was | 26 years | old when a son was born to him (Stanisław Róg) |
Caroline Doviak née Wilk was | 26 years | old when she bore a daughter (Emily Stefanco née Doviak) |
Mary Wilk née Radek was | 27 years | old when she bore a daughter (Emily Dabrowski née Wilk) |
Andrew Doviak was | 27 years | old when a son was born to him (John Doviak) |
Michael John Wilk was | 28 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Emily Dabrowski née Wilk) |
Andrew Doviak was | 28 years | old when a son was born to him (Joseph Doviak) |
Caroline Doviak née Wilk was | 28 years | old when she bore a daughter (Sophie D. Caltagirone née Doviak) |
Anna Wilk née Wilk was | 29 years | old when she bore a son (Jan Wilk) |
Maria Róg née Wilk was | 29 years | old when she bore a son (Józef Róg) |
Wojciech Róg was | 29 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Karolina Róg) |
Agnieszka Wilk née Wilk was | 29 years | old when she bore a daughter (Maria Róg née Wilk) |
Andrew Doviak was | 30 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Emily Stefanco née Doviak) |
Jan Wilk was | 30 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Caroline Doviak née Wilk) |
Caroline Doviak née Wilk was | 30 years | old when she bore a daughter (Jennie Drzal née Doviak) |
John A. Wilk was | 31 years | old when a son was born to him (Alan Wilk) |
Theresa Wilk née Paretti was | 31 years | old when she bore a son (Alan Wilk) |
Agnieszka Wilk née Wilk was | 31 years | old when she bore a daughter (Catherine Dziewiatek née Wilk) |
Anna Wilk née Wilk was | 31 years | old when she bore a daughter (Antonina Wilk) |
Wojciech Róg was | 31 years | old when a son was born to him (Jan Róg) |
Catherine Dziewiatek née Wilk was | 31 years | old when she bore a daughter (Josephine Dziewiatek) |
Andrew Doviak was | 32 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Sophie D. Caltagirone née Doviak) |
Caroline Doviak née Wilk was | 32 years | old when she bore a son (Fred Doviak) |
Andrzej Wilk was | 32 years | old when a son was born to him (Jan Wilk) |
Jan Wilk was | 33 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Maria Róg née Wilk) |
Agnieszka Wilk née Wilk was | 33 years | old when she bore a son (Michael John Wilk) |
Andrew Doviak was | 34 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Jennie Drzal née Doviak) |
Andrzej Wilk was | 35 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Antonina Wilk) |
Jan Wilk was | 35 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Catherine Dziewiatek née Wilk) |
Agnieszka Wilk née Wilk was | 35 years | old when she bore a daughter (Frances Ludzia née Wilk) |
Wojciech Róg was | 35 years | old when a son was born to him (Józef Róg) |
John Dziewiatek was | 35 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Josephine Dziewiatek) |
Maria Róg née Wilk was | 36 years | old when she bore a daughter (Stefania {surname in private}) |
Andrew Doviak was | 36 years | old when a son was born to him (Fred Doviak) |
Grażyna Róg née Kalinowska was | 36 years | old when she bore a son (Maciej Róg) |
Agnieszka Wilk née Wilk was | 37 years | old when she bore a daughter (Aniela Radek née Wilk) |
Caroline Doviak née Wilk was | 37 years | old when she bore a son (Stanley Doviak) |
Jan Wilk was | 37 years | old when a son was born to him (Michael John Wilk) |
Maria Róg née Wilk was | 37 years | old when she bore a son (Franciszek Róg) |
Jan Wilk was | 39 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Frances Ludzia née Wilk) |
Caroline Doviak née Wilk was | 39 years | old when she bore a daughter (Frances Ressetar née Doviak) |
Agnieszka Wilk née Wilk was | 40 years | old when she bore a son (Wojciech Wilk) |
Maria Róg née Wilk was | 40 years | old when she bore a son (Bronisław Róg) |
Andrew Doviak was | 41 years | old when a son was born to him (Stanley Doviak) |
Jan Wilk was | 41 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Aniela Radek née Wilk) |
Wojciech Róg was | 42 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Stefania {surname in private}) |
Agnieszka Wilk née Wilk was | 42 years | old when she bore a son (Andrew Wilk) |
Andrew Doviak was | 43 years | old when a daughter was born to him (Frances Ressetar née Doviak) |
Jan Wilk was | 44 years | old when a son was born to him (Wojciech Wilk) |
Wojciech Róg was | 44 years | old when a son was born to him (Franciszek Róg) |
Jan Wilk was | 46 years | old when a son was born to him (Andrew Wilk) |
Wojciech Róg was | 47 years | old when a son was born to him (Bronisław Róg) |
There were found 62 births for which we know the parent’s age at the event (parent’s and child’s year of birth). Average age of having children is 34 years for males and 30 years for females. |