Number of grandchildren
(as of 2 JAN 2024)
† = dead, # = after death, ……… = living great grandparents
1 grandchild:
Helen Kopec née Wszolek †#,
Rudolph Kopec †#,
Andrzej Kopeć †#,
Marianna Kopeć née Durdka †#,
Bernard Pietrkiewicz †#,
Maria Pietrkiewicz née Ziółkowska †#,
Arlene Plaza née LeBlanc †#,
Stanisława Róg née Kotwica †#,
Stanisław Róg †#,
Anna Warchoł née Kopeć †#,
John Zulkowski †#2 grandchildren:
Katherine Goglio née Syputa †#,
Mario Goglio †#,
Albert J. Kopec †#,
Joseph Kopec †#,
Stella Kopec née Rozkuszka †#,
Walter Marchwinski †#,
Dominic Massaro †#,
Ruth Massaro née Zulkowski †#,
Charles Snyder †#,
Stanisława Wnuk née Wilk †#,
Alex N. Ziolkowski †#,
Barbara Ann Ziolkowski née Bell †#,
Joseph Zulkowski †#3 grandchildren:
Anna DelSandro née Zulkowski †#,
Fredric Duane ‘Dewey, Dwayne’ Hanvelt †#,
Mae Annette Hanvelt née Tesdall †#,
Frances Marie Jones née Goglio †#,
Kermit Chester Jones †#,
Donald Markert †#,
Helena Nidental †#,
Agnes Dorothy Plaza née Niewazny †#,
Anthony Walter Plaza †#,
Antonina Pyryt née Wilk †#,
Jan Pyryt †#,
Agnes Schancer née Runnheim †#,
Etta Simeone née Syputa †#,
Louis C. Simeone †#,
Edward Syputa †#,
Frances Ann Uhren née Plaza †#,
James Uhren †#,
Steve Uhren †#,
Franciszek Wilk †#,
Helena Wilk née Patocka †#,
Karolina Wilk née Bystrzyk †#,
Władysław Wilk †#,
Anton John Zulkowski †#,
Julia R. ‘Tulie’ Zulkowski †#4 grandchildren:
Willis Krings †#,
Frank Joseph Plaza †#,
Irma H. Plaza née Polgar †#,
Emily Swisher née Ziolkowski †#,
Ray E. Swisher †#,
Raymond Syputa †#,
Wilma Syputa née Kitto †#,
Charles Leon ‘Lonnie’ White †#,
Eleanor D. White née Ziolkowski †#,
Agata Wilk née Kopeć †,
Józef Wilk †,
Anna Ziółkowska née Gurdak †#,
Andrzej Ziółkowski †#,
Władysław Ziółkowski †#5 grandchildren:
Frances ‘Faye’ Berta née Syputa †#,
John Berta †#,
Ewa Kopeć née Kopeć †#,
Wawrzyniec Kopeć †#,
Carol Ann Loessberg née Deres †#,
Edwin Loessberg Jr. †#,
John Loessberg †#,
Charles D. Meskauskas †#,
Lillian Anna Meskauskas née Syputa †#,
Alvin Lavere Pixler †#,
Frances Pixler née Zulkowski †#,
Edward Sobieski †#,
Mary Sobieski née Plaza †#,
Antoni Wilk †#,
Franciszka Wilk née Pyryt †,
Jan Wilk †#,
Edward Ziolkowski †#,
Leon William Ziolkowski †#,
Virginia Ziolkowski née Di Carlo †#,
Antonina Ziółkowska née Wojnas †#,
Jan Ziółkowski †#,
Josephine M. Zulkowski née Ferreira †#6 grandchildren:
Geneva M. ‘Jean’ Cerjak née Plaza †#,
Joseph Cerjak †#,
Ralph DelDuca †#,
Karen Lebar-Blue née Cerjak †#,
Władysław Pyryt †#,
Carol Stortroen née Keffer †#,
Stella Syputa née Tenczynski †#,
Agnieszka Wilk née Tłusty †#,
Mieczysław Wilk †#,
Mildred Marie Ziolkowski née Stauffer †#7 grandchildren:
Edwin Laurence Loessberg †#,
Franklin Moore †#,
Genevieve Syputa †#,
Frank Ziolkowski †#,
Mae Ziolkowski née Williams †#8 grandchildren:
Aleksander Nicałek †#,
Anna Nicałek née Ziółkowska †#,
Karolina Nidental née Kopeć †#,
Wojciech Nidental †#,
Leola Muriel Palmer †#9 grandchildren:
Ann Angeline Hanvelt née Plaza †#,
Edward Joseph Hanvelt †#,
Franciszka Kopeć née Lewicka †#,
Jan Kopeć †#,
Charles Pixler †#,
Mary Plaza née Pipala †#,
Peter E. Plaza †#,
Jan Róg †,
Zofia Róg née Wilk †10 grandchildren:
Józef Kopeć †,
Marianna Kopeć née Wołosz †#11 grandchildren:
Ann Goglio née Syputa †#,
Frank Virgil Goglio Sr. †#,
Angeline H. Kurpiel née Plaza †#,
John P. Kurpiel †#,
Phillip Syputa JR †#12 grandchildren:
James Jansen †#,
Marianna ‘Maria’ Wilk née Kopeć †#13 grandchildren:
Aniela Wilk née Pyryt †#,
Józef Wilk †#14 grandchildren:
Allen Keffer †#,
Katherine Runnheim née Plaza †#,
Nickolai Andreassen Runnheim †#15 grandchildren:
Catherine Zulkowski née Babula †#,
Peter Zulkowski †#16 grandchildren:
Helena Kopeć née Wojnas †,
Mikołaj Kopeć †#18 grandchildren:
Phillip Syputa SR †#23 grandchildren:
Jacob Syputa †,
Mary Syputa née Ziolkowski †,
Joseph Ziolkowski †#,
Pauline Ziolkowski née Kaminsky †#24 grandchildren:
Marianna Kopeć née Trela †,
Tomasz Kopeć †,
Jan Wilk †#39 grandchildren:
Henrietta Plaza née Zulowski †,
Michael Plaza †47 grandchildren:
Katarzyna Ziółkowska née Kopeć †#,
Jan Ziółkowski †
1 great‑grandchild:
James Jansen †#,
Frances Marie Jones née Goglio †#,
Kermit Chester Jones †#,
Angeline H. Kurpiel née Plaza †#,
John P. Kurpiel †#,
Helena Wilk née Patocka †#,
Władysław Wilk †#,
Frank Ziolkowski †#,
Mae Ziolkowski née Williams †#,
Anna Ziółkowska née Gurdak †#,
Andrzej Ziółkowski †#2 great‑grandchildren:
Fredric Duane ‘Dewey, Dwayne’ Hanvelt †#,
Mae Annette Hanvelt née Tesdall †#,
Albert J. Kopec †#,
Helen Kopec née Wszolek †#,
Rudolph Kopec †#,
Bernard Pietrkiewicz †#,
Maria Pietrkiewicz née Ziółkowska †#,
Agnes Dorothy Plaza née Niewazny †#,
Anthony Walter Plaza †#,
Władysław Pyryt †#,
Edward Syputa †#,
Anna Warchoł née Kopeć †#,
Franciszek Wilk †#,
Jan Wilk †#,
Karolina Wilk née Bystrzyk †#3 great‑grandchildren:
Katherine Goglio née Syputa †#,
Mario Goglio †#,
Willis Krings †#,
Dominic Massaro †#,
Ruth Massaro née Zulkowski †#,
Katherine Runnheim née Plaza †#,
Nickolai Andreassen Runnheim †#,
Frances Ann Uhren née Plaza †#,
Steve Uhren †#4 great‑grandchildren:
Ralph DelDuca †#,
Aleksander Nicałek †#,
Anna Nicałek née Ziółkowska †#,
Emily Swisher née Ziolkowski †#,
Ray E. Swisher †#,
Agnieszka Wilk née Tłusty †#,
Mieczysław Wilk †#5 great‑grandchildren:
Frances ‘Faye’ Berta née Syputa †#,
John Berta †#,
Charles D. Meskauskas †#,
Lillian Anna Meskauskas née Syputa †#,
Alex N. Ziolkowski †#,
Barbara Ann Ziolkowski née Bell †#6 great‑grandchildren:
Antonina Pyryt née Wilk †#,
Jan Pyryt †#,
Jan Róg †#,
Zofia Róg née Wilk †#7 great‑grandchildren:
Geneva M. ‘Jean’ Cerjak née Plaza †#,
Joseph Cerjak †#,
Franciszka Kopeć née Lewicka †#,
Jan Kopeć †#,
Charles Leon ‘Lonnie’ White †#,
Eleanor D. White née Ziolkowski †#,
Josephine M. Zulkowski née Ferreira †#8 great‑grandchildren:
Ewa Kopeć née Kopeć †#,
Wawrzyniec Kopeć †#,
Frank Joseph Plaza †#,
Irma H. Plaza née Polgar †#,
Raymond Syputa †#,
Wilma Syputa née Kitto †#9 great‑grandchildren:
Józef Kopeć †#,
Marianna Kopeć née Wołosz †#,
Karolina Nidental née Kopeć †#,
Wojciech Nidental †#,
Alvin Lavere Pixler †#,
Frances Pixler née Zulkowski †#,
Antoni Wilk †#,
Franciszka Wilk née Pyryt †#10 great‑grandchildren:
Andrzej Kopeć †#,
Marianna Kopeć née Durdka †#,
Mary Plaza née Pipala †#,
Peter E. Plaza †#,
Edward Sobieski †#,
Mary Sobieski née Plaza †#,
Stella Syputa née Tenczynski †#12 great‑grandchildren:
Antonina Ziółkowska née Wojnas †#,
Jan Ziółkowski †#14 great‑grandchildren:
Ann Goglio née Syputa †#,
Frank Virgil Goglio Sr. †#15 great‑grandchildren:
Ann Angeline Hanvelt née Plaza †#,
Edward Joseph Hanvelt †#,
Edwin Laurence Loessberg †#,
Genevieve Syputa †#16 great‑grandchildren:
Allen Keffer †#,
Aniela Wilk née Pyryt †#,
Józef Wilk †#22 great‑grandchildren:
Catherine Zulkowski née Babula †#,
Peter Zulkowski †#24 great‑grandchildren:
Marianna ‘Maria’ Wilk née Kopeć †#25 great‑grandchildren:
Helena Kopeć née Wojnas †#,
Mikołaj Kopeć †#27 great‑grandchildren:
Joseph Ziolkowski †#,
Pauline Ziolkowski née Kaminsky †#29 great‑grandchildren:
Phillip Syputa SR †#40 great‑grandchildren:
Jan Wilk †#50 great‑grandchildren:
Jacob Syputa †#,
Mary Syputa née Ziolkowski †#64 great‑grandchildren:
Henrietta Plaza née Zulowski †#,
Michael Plaza †#68 great‑grandchildren:
Marianna Kopeć née Trela †#,
Tomasz Kopeć †#109 great‑grandchildren:
Katarzyna Ziółkowska née Kopeć †#,
Jan Ziółkowski †#
1 great×2‑grandchild:
Katherine Goglio née Syputa †#,
Mario Goglio †#,
Karolina Nidental née Kopeć †#,
Wojciech Nidental †#2 great×2‑grandchildren:
Antonina Pyryt née Wilk †#,
Jan Pyryt †#,
Anna Ziółkowska née Gurdak †#,
Andrzej Ziółkowski †#3 great×2‑grandchildren:
Ann Angeline Hanvelt née Plaza †#,
Edward Joseph Hanvelt †#,
Mary Plaza née Pipala †#,
Peter E. Plaza †#4 great×2‑grandchildren:
Antonina Ziółkowska née Wojnas †#,
Jan Ziółkowski †#6 great×2‑grandchildren:
Antoni Wilk †#,
Franciszka Wilk née Pyryt †#7 great×2‑grandchildren:
Franciszka Kopeć née Lewicka †#,
Jan Kopeć †#,
Józef Kopeć †#,
Marianna Kopeć née Wołosz †#,
Phillip Syputa SR †#,
Aniela Wilk née Pyryt †#,
Józef Wilk †#9 great×2‑grandchildren:
Andrzej Kopeć †#,
Ewa Kopeć née Kopeć †#,
Marianna Kopeć née Durdka †#,
Wawrzyniec Kopeć †#16 great×2‑grandchildren:
Ann Goglio née Syputa †#,
Frank Virgil Goglio Sr. †#,
Catherine Zulkowski née Babula †#,
Peter Zulkowski †#17 great×2‑grandchildren:
Joseph Ziolkowski †#,
Pauline Ziolkowski née Kaminsky †#33 great×2‑grandchildren:
Marianna ‘Maria’ Wilk née Kopeć †#50 great×2‑grandchildren:
Jan Wilk †#59 great×2‑grandchildren:
Henrietta Plaza née Zulowski †#,
Michael Plaza †#74 great×2‑grandchildren:
Jacob Syputa †#,
Mary Syputa née Ziolkowski †#78 great×2‑grandchildren:
Helena Kopeć née Wojnas †#,
Mikołaj Kopeć †#141 great×2‑grandchildren:
Marianna Kopeć née Trela †#,
Tomasz Kopeć †#176 great×2‑grandchildren:
Katarzyna Ziółkowska née Kopeć †#,
Jan Ziółkowski †#
1 great×3‑grandchild:
Ewa Kopeć née Kopeć †#,
Wawrzyniec Kopeć †#6 great×3‑grandchildren:
Henrietta Plaza née Zulowski †#,
Michael Plaza †#7 great×3‑grandchildren:
Andrzej Kopeć †#,
Józef Kopeć †#,
Marianna Kopeć née Durdka †#,
Marianna Kopeć née Wołosz †#15 great×3‑grandchildren:
Marianna ‘Maria’ Wilk née Kopeć †#24 great×3‑grandchildren:
Jacob Syputa †#,
Mary Syputa née Ziolkowski †#28 great×3‑grandchildren:
Jan Wilk †#150 great×3‑grandchildren:
Helena Kopeć née Wojnas †#,
Mikołaj Kopeć †#172 great×3‑grandchildren:
Katarzyna Ziółkowska née Kopeć †#,
Jan Ziółkowski †#218 great×3‑grandchildren:
Marianna Kopeć née Trela †#,
Tomasz Kopeć †#
4 great×4‑grandchildren:
Jan Wilk †#7 great×4‑grandchildren:
Andrzej Kopeć †#,
Marianna Kopeć née Durdka †#30 great×4‑grandchildren:
Katarzyna Ziółkowska née Kopeć †#,
Jan Ziółkowski †#188 great×4‑grandchildren:
Marianna Kopeć née Trela †#,
Tomasz Kopeć †#225 great×4‑grandchildren:
Helena Kopeć née Wojnas †#,
Mikołaj Kopeć †#
30 great×5‑grandchildren:
Marianna Kopeć née Trela †#,
Tomasz Kopeć †#195 great×5‑grandchildren:
Helena Kopeć née Wojnas †#,
Mikołaj Kopeć †#
30 great×6‑grandchildren:
Helena Kopeć née Wojnas †#,
Mikołaj Kopeć †#