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statement of {private}
type of event
date of statement
on Friday, the 22nd of April 2005
18 years, 8 months and 10 days ago
(as of 1 JAN 2024)
{private} [parents: Metro Malinchak, Josephine]
Maciej Róg
(23 years)
to whom or to what is related to
Frances Ludzia née Wilk
(died 31 years, 2 months and 28 days before)
Catherine Dziewiatek née Wilk
(died 25 years before)
John Dziewiatek
(died 56 years before)
Josephine Dziewiatek
(82 years, 3 months and 6 days)
Thaddeus W. Tecza
(died 3 years and 3 months before)
Ferdinand Dziewiatek
Metro Malinchak
(died 24 years and 4 months before)
Chester Dziewiatek
Gloria Shope née Dziewiatek
Randolph Shope
(died 10 years, 5 months and 10 days before)
Jane Kroczenski née Dziewiatek
Anthony B. Kroczenski
(85 years, 5 months and 10 days)
Edwin Ludzia
Andrew Gorcica
John Dziewiatek’s year of birth
marriage of (husband: {private}, wife: {private})
birth 1891 APR 8 Dęba of Catherine Wilk
death 2002 JAN 22 of Thaddeus Tecza
birth 1895 MAY 19 Dęba of Frances Wilk
birth 1887 FEB 20 of John Dziewiatek
birth 1923 JAN 16 Passaic of Josephine Dziewiatek
birth 1924 APR 22 of Thaddeus Tecza
birth of Dziewiatek Ferdinand
birth of {private}
birth of {private}
birth of Dziewiatek Chester
birth of {private}
naming of Kroczenski Jane
List of events (1)
2007 JAN 19 — rectification of birth of {private}
Links to the record
John Dziewiatek’s year of birth
Last changes: 16 DEC 2010
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attributes — public
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time (HH:MM) — only for genealogist
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