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death of James Ressetar

type of eventdeath
the datein 1949
75 years ago (as of 26 FEB 2024)
dead personJames Michael Ressetar
(less than a year; see also birth)


  • {#1} E-mail (MR03435) 19 JUN 2006 Tadeus Doviak
  • {#2} Metro “Matt” Ressetar’s Obituary [MR14581] Metro “Matt” Ressetar’s Obituary (MR14581), Shook Funeral Home, Inc.
    Metro "Matt" Ressetar, 91, of Clifton died peacefully in his home on April 15, 2011. Born in Ramey, PA, he moved to Clifton in 1926 and has lived there since.
    An Army Veteran of WWII, Matt was a member of the Athenia Veteran's Post. He was a parishoner of St. John Kanty RC Church, Clifton, and was a member of their Leisure Club, Golden Circle, Holy Name Society and was an Usher for many years. Matt worked for Merrick Scale Co., Passaic, for 20 years before working as a Messenger for New Jersey Bank, West Paterson, for 13 years and eventually retiring in 1982.
    Beloved husband of the late Frances (Doviak), who passed away in 2008. Beloved father of […]PRIV, and the late James Michael who passed away in 1949. Cherished grandfather of […]PRIV.
    Funeral Monday, 9 AM at the Shook Funeral Home, 639 Van Houten Ave., Clifton, and 10 AM at St. John Kanty RC Church. Entombment, St. Nicholas Cemetery, Lodi. Visiting Sunday, 4-8 PM.
    citation: 13 DEC 2020, Maciej Róg
Identifier: MR03456-D
Last changes: 13 DEC 2020
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