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Lester Stagg

  Lester was born on the 4th of March 1935 and he died on the 22nd of October 2006
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  • {#1} U.S. Social Security Death Index, RootsWebAncestry LLC, ssdi.rootsweb[.]com
    citation: 14 JUL 2007
  • {#2} Lester Stagg’s Obituary (MR03482), The Leader, Obituaries for 10/26/06, leadernewspapers[.]com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2735
    CARLSTADTLester P. Stagg, 71, of Carlstadt, died on Oct. 22, 2006.
    Born in Passaic, he was a resident of Carlstadt for 45 years.
    Mr. Stagg was a custodian for Wood-Ridge High School for 11 years before retiring in 1997. Prior to that, he was an adjustor for Continental Can Company in Paterson for 25 years.
    He was a parishioner of Assumption Church in Wood-Ridge.
    He was an usher and member of the Holy Name Society of Assumption Church.
    Mr. Stagg served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He was a member of VFW Post 3149 of Carlstadt. He was also a founder and past president of the Carlstadt Girls Softball League.
    He is survived by […]PRIV.
    Funeral Mass was held in Assumption Church, Wood-Ridge. Entombment in St. Nicholas Cemetery, Lodi. Arrangements made by Kimak Funeral Home, Carlstadt.
    Memorial donations may be made to ARC of Warren County, intended for Project First Step, PO Box 389, 319 Washington Ave., Suite 2, Washington, NJ 07882.
  • {#3} Sophie Caltagirone’s Obituary (MR03476), The Leader of Rutherford, Thursday, December 11, 1997, Page 14, leaderarchives[.]com/PDF/1997/December/12-18-1997.pdf
    Sophie D. Caltagirone, 83, died Saturday, Nov. 29,1997. Born in Passaic, she was a long-time resident of Carlstadt. Mrs. Caltagirone was an assembler for Flex Products in Carlstadt for 13 years before retiring in 1979. She was a member of Assumption Church, Wood-Ridge. She was also a member ofthe Friendship Club. She was predeceased by her husband, James; brothers John, Joseph, Fred and Stanley Doviak; sister, Emily Stefanco, and a grandson. She is survived by […]PRIV; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral -arrangements were by Kimak Funeral Home.
  • {#4} MR09003 (MR09003)


Lester Stagg (1935-2006)
father-in-law: James J. Caltagirone (1917-1998)
mother-in-law: Sophie D. Caltagirone née Doviak (1914-1997)

Descendant chart

Lester Stagg

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Identifier: MR03480
Last changes: 22 OCT 2011
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