type of event | marriage |
the date | on Tuesday, the 18th of May 1858 on 9 AM (UTC+1) 163 years and 2 months ago (as of 18 JUL 2021) |
site | Praszka, POL‑OP kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Praszce Europe, Poland, województwo opolskie, powiat oleski, gmina Praszka, Praszka |
husband: | Wojciech Wróbel (≈1835 Strojec – ?)
(23 years) |
wife: | Petronela Kalinowska by marriage Wróbel [parents: Wojciech, Anna] (1832 Strojec – ?)
(25 years, 10 months and 20 days) |
children of marriage (4) | Michał (1860 – 1863 Kuźniczka █) Franciszek (1862 Skotnica █ – 1863 Kuźniczka █) Józefa (1864 Kuźniczka █ – ?) Marianna (1865 Kuźniczka █ – 1899 Skotnica █) |