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Maria, Marianna

In the past (before 20th century), when parents baptismed their daughter with ‘Maria’ as a given name, the priests in the parish book would not write ‘Maria’, but ‘Marianna’ (Marjanna, Maryanna) as her given name. Therefore, the person was called ‘Marianna’ in all church issues, and usually also in all civil issues. Forename ‘Maria’ was reserved for Maria from the Nazareth, the Mother of Jesus Christ.
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  • {#1} Karolina Gołąb-Malowicka, „Źródła do badań genealogicznych w Archiwum Narodowym w Krakowie. Poradnik genealogiczny”, wyd. II ANK Kraków 2022, ISBN 978-83-959029-7-0, s. 18 • W. Kopaliński, Słownik mitów i tradycji kultury, Warszawa 1985, s. 654, J. Miodek, Słownik ojczyzny polszczyzny, oprac. M. Zaśko-Zielińska, T. Piekot, Wrocław 2002, s. 397
Identifier: Maria-Marianna
Last changes: 22 JAN 2012
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