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paternal grandfather:
paternal grandmother:
maternal grandfather:
maternal grandmother:

Marianna Pilawka née Walaszczyńska

  Marianna was born  on Saturday, the 8th of December 1906 in Mostki and she died  on Saturday, the 17th of September 2005 in Czluchow

She lived 98 years and 9 months; was born 117 years ago, died 18 years ago (as of 1 JAN 2024)
Andrzej Pilawka (17 years older)
marriage: in 1934 in Praszka, now POL‑OP
they got maried 90 years ago; Marianna was then 28 years old
they were married for 32 years until Andrzej died, Marianna lived 39 years more
1. {private}
Marianna had got 2 children — a daughter and a son
other children of Andrzej Pilawka:


  • {#1} In the past (before 20th century), when parents baptismed their daughter with ‘Maria’ as a given name, the priests in the parish book would not write ‘Maria’, but ‘Marianna’ (Marjanna, Maryanna) as her given name. Therefore, the person was called ‘Marianna’ in all church issues, and usually also in all civil issues. Forename ‘Maria’ was reserved for Maria from the Nazareth, the Mother of Jesus Christ.
  • {#2} Belongs to the Bakalarczyk family (progenitor: Antoni Bakalarczyk).
  • {#3} Belongs to the Cytera family (progenitor: Barbara Cytera).
  • {#4} Belongs to the Parol family (progenitor: Michał Parol).
  • {#5} Belongs to the Pilawka family (progenitor: Łukasz Pilawka).
  • {#6} Belongs to the Widera family (progenitor: Paweł Widera).
  • {#7} Belongs to the Wolny family (progenitor: Grzegorz Wolny).
  • {#8} As of 1 JAN 2024 she has got at least 2 children, 5 grandchildren and 1 great‑grandchild


Marianna Pilawka née Walaszczyńska (1906-2005)
husband: Andrzej Pilawka (1889-1966)
father-in-law: Wincenty Pilawka (1863-1943)
mother-in-law: Marianna Pilawka née Wolna (1854-?)

Descendant chart

Marianna Walaszczyńska

├──> {private}
│     │
│     └──> {private}
│          │
│          └──> {private}

└──> Janina Pilawka
     ├──> Jarosław Sikora
     ├──> {private}
     ├──> {private}
     └──> {private}
Identifier: MR11319
Last changes: 1 JAN 2022
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