There have been chosen only sites where took place events, participants of which owned that surname in any time of their life.
Popular sites (city, town, village etc.)
Popular sites
All sites alphabetically (20)
BIAŁA DRUGA (1 event)
village Biała Druga, gmina Biała, powiat wieluński, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1821:
BISKUPICE (3 events)
village Biskupice, gmina Byczyna, powiat kluczborski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1794 and at least to 1801:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
DOBIERCICE (1 event)
village Dobiercice, gmina Byczyna, powiat kluczborski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1798:
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1782 and can be found there nowadays:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
GMINA BIAŁA (1 event)
gmina gmina Biała, powiat wieluński, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1821:
GMINA BYCZYNA (7 events)
gmina gmina Byczyna, powiat kluczborski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1794 and at least to 1801:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
gmina gmina Kluczbork, powiat kluczborski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1806:
gmina gmina Łęka Opatowska, powiat kępiński, województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1787 and at least to 1789:
GMINA WOŁCZYN (3 events)
gmina gmina Wołczyn, powiat kluczborski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1782 and can be found there nowadays:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
KOMORZNO (3 events)
village Komorzno, gmina Wołczyn, powiat kluczborski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1782 and can be found there nowadays:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
OPATÓW (2 events)
village Opatów, gmina Łęka Opatowska, powiat kępiński, województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1787 and at least to 1789:
PARUSZOWICE (3 events)
village Paruszowice, gmina Byczyna, powiat kluczborski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1798 and at least to 1801:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
POLAND (14 events)
country Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1782 and can be found there nowadays:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
powiat powiat kępiński, województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1787 and at least to 1789:
powiat powiat kluczborski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1782 and can be found there nowadays:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
powiat powiat wieluński, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1821:
ROSZKOWICE (1 event)
village Roszkowice, gmina Kluczbork, powiat kluczborski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1806:
voivodeship województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1821:
voivodeship województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1782 and can be found there nowadays:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
voivodeship województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1787 and at least to 1789: