There have been chosen only sites where took place events, participants of which owned that surname in any time of their life.
Popular sites (city, town, village etc.)
Popular sites
All sites alphabetically (58)
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1939:
Information about some events (1) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
diocese archidiecezja częstochowska, metropolia częstochowska, Roman Catholic Church in Poland
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1781 and at least to 1803:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
BELARUS (1 event)
country Belarus, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1927:
Information about some events (1) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
BRZEZINY (28 events)
village Brzeziny, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1823 and at least to 1995:
Information about some events (7) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
EUROPE (342 events)
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1774 and can be found there nowadays:
Information about some events (46) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
gmina gmina Brzeźnio, powiat sieradzki, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1796:
gmina gmina Gorzów Śląski, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1964:
Information about some events (1) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
gmina gmina Lwówek Śląski, powiat lwówecki, województwo dolnośląskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1951:
Information about some events (2) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
gmina gmina Nowy Dwór Gdański, powiat nowodworski, województwo pomorskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1972:
Information about some events (2) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
GMINA OBORNIKI (31 events)
gmina gmina Oborniki, powiat obornicki, województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1911 and can be found there nowadays:
Information about some events (22) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
GMINA PRASZKA (294 events)
gmina gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1774 and at least to 1995:
Information about some events (15) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
GMINA RUDNIKI (5 events)
gmina gmina Rudniki, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1835 and at least to 1918:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
gmina gmina Skomlin, powiat wieluński, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1843:
gmina gmina Wieruszów, powiat wieruszowski, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1944:
town Gorzów Śląski, gmina Gorzów Śląski, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1964:
Information about some events (1) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
KOŚCIERZYNA (3 events)
town Kościerzyna, powiat kościerski, województwo pomorskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1972:
Information about some events (3) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
KOWALE (5 events)
village Kowale, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1809 and at least to 1837:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
KOWANÓWKO (2 events)
village Kowanówko, gmina Oborniki, powiat obornicki, województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1948:
Information about some events (2) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
KUŹNICZKA (1 event)
village Kuźniczka, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1778:
LWÓWEK ŚLĄSKI (2 events)
town Lwówek Śląski, gmina Lwówek Śląski, powiat lwówecki, województwo dolnośląskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1951:
Information about some events (2) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
ecclesiastical province metropolia częstochowska, Roman Catholic Church in Poland
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1781 and at least to 1803:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
NOWA WIEŚ (1 event)
village Nowa Wieś, gmina Brzeźnio, powiat sieradzki, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1796:
town Nowy Dwór Gdański, gmina Nowy Dwór Gdański, powiat nowodworski, województwo pomorskie, Poland, Europe
Information about some events (1) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
OBJEZIERZE (1 event)
village Objezierze, gmina Oborniki, powiat obornicki, województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
OBORNIKI (28 events)
town Oborniki, gmina Oborniki, powiat obornicki, województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1911 and can be found there nowadays:
Information about some events (20) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
parish Parish of Theotokos and the Queen of Poland in Praszka, Praszka deanery, region wieluński, archidiecezja częstochowska, metropolia częstochowska, Roman Catholic Church in Poland
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1781 and at least to 1803:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
PODZAMCZE (1 event)
village Podzamcze, Wieruszów, gmina Wieruszów, powiat wieruszowski, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1944:
POLAND (341 events)
country Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1774 and can be found there nowadays:
Information about some events (45) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
powiat powiat kościerski, województwo pomorskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1972:
Information about some events (3) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
powiat powiat lwówecki, województwo dolnośląskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1951:
Information about some events (2) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
powiat powiat nowodworski, województwo pomorskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1972:
Information about some events (2) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
powiat powiat obornicki, województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1911 and can be found there nowadays:
Information about some events (22) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
POWIAT OLESKI (300 events)
powiat powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1774 and at least to 1995:
Information about some events (16) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
powiat powiat sieradzki, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1796:
powiat powiat wieluński, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1843:
powiat powiat wieruszowski, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1944:
deanery Praszka deanery, region wieluński, archidiecezja częstochowska, metropolia częstochowska, Roman Catholic Church in Poland
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1781 and at least to 1803:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
PRASZKA (89 events)
town Praszka, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1774 and at least to 1951:
Information about some events (1) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
PROSNA (2 events)
village Prosna, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1838:
Information about some events (1) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
RACZYZNA (1 event)
hamlet Raczyzna, Strojec, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1825:
region region wieluński, archidiecezja częstochowska, metropolia częstochowska, Roman Catholic Church in Poland
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1781 and at least to 1803:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1781 and at least to 1803:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
ROSOCHY (1 event)
village Rosochy, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1861:
ROZTERK (2 events)
village Rozterk, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1785 and at least to 1788:
SKOMLIN (1 event)
village Skomlin, gmina Skomlin, powiat wieluński, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1843:
SKOTNICA (3 events)
village Skotnica, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1805 and at least to 1864:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
STROJEC (149 events)
village Strojec, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1775 and at least to 1995:
Information about some events (6) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
SZYSZKÓW (1 event)
village Szyszków, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1831:
WIERCINY (1 event)
village Wierciny, gmina Nowy Dwór Gdański, powiat nowodworski, województwo pomorskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1972:
Information about some events (1) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
WIERUSZÓW (1 event)
town Wieruszów, gmina Wieruszów, powiat wieruszowski, województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1944:
voivodeship województwo dolnośląskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1951:
Information about some events (2) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
voivodeship województwo łódzkie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1796 and at least to 1944:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
voivodeship województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1774 and at least to 1995:
Information about some events (16) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
voivodeship województwo pomorskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1972:
Information about some events (5) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
voivodeship województwo wielkopolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1911 and can be found there nowadays:
Information about some events (22) has been hidden due to privacy protection (
Click on the site’s name to see more.
WYGIEŁDÓW (12 events)
village Wygiełdów, gmina Praszka, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1794 and at least to 1894:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
ŻYTNIÓW (5 events)
village Żytniów, gmina Rudniki, powiat oleski, województwo opolskie, Poland, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1835 and at least to 1918:
Click on the site’s name to see more.
ДЗІСНА (1 event)
town Дзісна, Belarus, Europe
This surname in this genealogy, according to available reached until now, is related to this site at least from 1927:
Information about some events (1) has been hidden due to privacy protection (