type of event | marriage |
the date | in 1782 242 years ago (as of 1 JAN 2024) |
site | Sokolniki, now POL‑LD kościół św. Mikołaja w Sokolnikach Europe, Poland, województwo łódzkie, powiat wieruszowski, gmina Sokolniki, Sokolniki |
husband: | Wawrzyniec Stefaniak (≈1765 – 1838 Sokolniki)
(17 years) |
wife: | Barbara Garsztych by marriage Stefaniak (≈1767 – 1829 Sokolniki)
(15 years; see also marriage of parents◄◄◄◄) |
children of marriage (2) | Szymon (1784 Sokolniki █ – 1808 Sokolniki █) Małgorzata (1796 Sokolniki █ – 1856 Tyble █) ►►►► |